Free «The Play Lorraine Hansberry» Essay Sample


In the setting of the play Lorraine Hansberry, the use of dialect has been used to portray the living and communication language the African Americans use. The African American Vernacular English is spoken sometimes to drive away into a hidden meaning that is known to a particular region across the blacks living territories. This is because there exists variations from the various regions. The dialect language of the Blacks has its influences emanating mainly from age and position in society and from these factors different uses of the language arise.

Contribution of Dialect to the theme of the Story

As a Black family living in Chicago, the characters of the story communicate through the use of dialect in African American English. This is so as the surrounding of the neighborhood has a majority of Black population hence making the African American English the tool of communication. In the story we read about how the family members of the Younger’s disagree on what they need to do with the money left to them by the deceased. This is because the factors of age and position in the family are not treated with respect. Each of the family members springs up with his/her idea causing confusion of who is to manage the money. With the disagreements getting hotter, mama follows her heart and decides to put a down payment to the house in Clybourne Park while on the other hand Walter is deceived by his friend on an investment of liquor business. This proves unsuccessful and Walter ends up losing some of the money. In this case if communication and respect were key in the house, the family members would have solved their issues and conformed to one common item of choice that would have been a priority.



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Cultural and Class factors affecting the Main Character

In view of race, Beneatha portrays some queer characters as she rejects George Murchison. This is because she views George Murchison as white and lacking the knowledge on racial troubles that would befall her and therefore George Murchison has no business courting her. This sets Beneatha in a class that makes it look like the blacks and whites are different people and nothing can be a success with the combination of the two parties. As a character Beneatha is considered a racist which is one of the themes that is portrayed in the play. This affects Beneatha as another proposal, this time of marriage, is put across by a Nigerian suitor Joseph Asagai. The suitor’s wish is to have Beneatha then let her have the chance and pursue her Medical degree. In this context, Beneatha turns down the proposal. This view is about class as Beneatha sees it abnormal to get married to an African who is probably very poor. This in turn leaves her with no options other than not reaching a decision at the end of the play.


Living in a foreign territory where you have to learn and cope with the routines is somehow not breathtaking. It entails having a stable view of how the different uphill tasks can be handled. In this respect, one is destined to have a smooth life as soon as he/she knows how to handle different situations.

Racial segregation has in the meantime affected many as this creates a terrific atmosphere amongst people. In a bid to combat racism, every human being must learn to treat the other as though they were brother and sister. By this, we will have a happy living and people would interact freely.


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