Henry Ford was an American entrepreneur, professor, journalist and the forefather of the Ford Motor Company and line of vehicles. His book ‘My life and works, makes, from introduction, a general account of lessons that Henry Ford learnt or picked up on his pathway to becoming on of the most acknowledged innovators in history. The authorship of this book goes back to the year 1922 but, the ideas presented are still as fresh and vital today as they were back then.
The book's title creates the idea of an autobiography of the renowned Henry Ford which may not be exactly the purpose behind its authorship. The book can be best described as a rich source of business philosophy from an individual ultimately considered mad for his innovations, which were by then, mere ideas. His ideas which were then considered too barbaric but which today are considered visionary include the ford assembly line, the minimum wage and the five day work week or days. In the book, Ford presents an account of how his experiences as a mere employee influenced his treasured philosophies later as an employer. He also puts to account why he thinks that saving money is not always a valuable or advisable practice and the worst time to approach your banker for a business or a personal loan. The most incredible of his philosophies that maybe may sound insane is the lowering of prices below what is considered the production costs may be a wise move.
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It is extremely easy to notice that much of Fords wisdom and practice has been abandoned today. Most of today’s innovators would flinch at just the thought of applying Fords valuable philosophies to their day to day tact. Though there is a notable gap in time between the times the book was authored and today, innovators may still borrow a leaf or two from the father of innovations who overcame all odds to come up with what most people refer today as one of the top of the line Automobile, Ford.
As a principal or outstanding figure from the twentieth century, Ford personality is the perfect combination of two traits common in people ultimately considered successful; a far reaching vision carrying with it the overcoming potential to change the world and, an obsession to detail. These two aspects are vivid in his book as he explains or attributes his philosophies. Some concepts late in the book perhaps create the crown for the book. He says ‘you are not saving when you are preventing yourself from being more productive’.
Gifted Hands by Ben Carson is the ultimate comparison to Henry Fords My life and Work. In the book, Ben Carson gives an account to the various struggles and successes that crown his life and career as a neurosurgeon. The book matches perfectly with Fords attributes since both Ben and Ford had a vision to improve the world though each of them was operating in an entirely different field that is, medicine and mechanics. Ben Carson may also be described as the father of Neurosurgery.
The book would create a perfect reading for individuals in any field of education. The book can as well be described as a must read for any individual in need of some inspiration in his or her life or career.