Admission Essay: Tips to Wow the Admission Officers

Your tests scores and achievement lists are surely valuable tools, but they tell only part of the story. Fortunately for you, an admission essay is a part of your application package over which you have most control. It is a perfect vehicle to deliver to the selection committee the image of how you want to be seen. 

Of course, it does not assume that you should misinterpret yourself, and thus mislead the admission officers: they are intelligent people and can read between the lines. Remember: those people who make decisions about your future studies want to see the guidelines about your personality to find the most meaningful things about your skills and experience, so tell them about your dreams and aspirations and make it convincing. How? Check out our tips that we have carefully crafted to help you with this assignment.

1. Put Yourself in the Admission Officer’s Position.

Try to imagine hundreds or thousands of other applicants who seek to be enrolled and think about how you would distinguish successful candidates from the rest of the “crowd.” Think about whether you would want to spend more time reading about somebody’s achievements or rather look deeply at one’s drivers for personal development. Would you not be more interested to find somebody with intellectual curiosity and vitality? Such people are hungry for knowledge, and their self-awareness and desire to explore the world hit the ground running and bring sparkles to the learning process.



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2. Do not Exhaust Yourself Trying too Hard.

One of the biggest mistakes that many students make is trying to impress admission officers. However, they are as ordinary people as you are, and they do not expect you to write a poem as if you were Shakespeare. It is rather the everyday routine that matters. A sense of self-awareness and prospects for the future is what makes your essay interesting for others to read.

3. Write What is Important to You and not Somebody Else.

Authentic thoughts and the integrity of your personality is what is expected from you in your essay. Remember, the topic does not really matter. Demonstrate your logic and thinking ability, which is something that reveals your personality and makes your story interesting for others to read.

4. Do not Pretend to be Somebody You Are not.

Once again, your essay serves just like a mirror to show how your mind works as well as how you perceive the world from your own perspective. Do not pretend to be someone else or present your worldview from somebody else’s perspective. Stick to the point, write everything corresponding to the topic, and be yourself.

5. Follow the Instructions.

Your ability to address the given topic serves to express your communication skills. You are expected to respond to the topic and not just release the thoughts that go through your mind at the current moment. Remember, your essay serves to measure your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas in a well-structured and easy-to-understand format. 

Be creative, be yourself, be the winner!


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