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So, you found the perfect position to be an intern, but that is just the first battle of the war. Yes, they liked you enough to provide you with the internship, but you still have to prove you are good enough and make a solid first impression. Starting an internship is an exciting experience that is stressful at the same time. Here are some important things you should do to be more prepared and organized and to make it easier for you to adapt.
Figure out how to Get to the Place
Some extra ambitious interns prefer visiting the office before the beginning of the internship so that they feel more confident when they have to get there. Visiting the location beforehand is always smart if you are unfamiliar with the area.
Besides, be sure to leave your home extra early on the first day so that you have no need to rush and have enough time to accommodate to potential traffic. If you get there too early, you can walk around for some time.
Learn More about the Company
Probably you did a research before applying for the internship, but anyway ensure you know the main goals of the company, its major clients, mission statement and other important things. It is always good to know where you are going to be an intern before starting the internship.
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Ask whether You Should Bring Your Computer
I forgot to do so, but fortunately, the employer reminded me to take my laptop with me. In certain office spaces, there are no computers, so you have to bring your own to the work. If this concerns your work, do not also forget to take a laptop charger with you. Even if it may seem a stupid question, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Ask about the Dress Code
It can be professional, business casual or totally casual. If you have any doubts about the dress code but do not want to ask, you will not go wrong with business casual black jeans and a blouse. You can professionalize the look by adding a blazer.
It is important that you have several outfits that you can wear to the office. If you are one of those extra preparatory people, you can lay out your outfits for your first week before starting the internship.
Pack Your Bag
Decide which bag you are going to take with you and pack everything essential beforehand. This way, you will be less stressed on the first day of your internship. Personally, I cannot imagine my own bag without the phone charger, a wallet, tissues, sunglasses, a mirror and mints. You should look maximally perfect to make sure you pack everything you need.
Read up on the Current Events the Night Before
It can provide a great topic for a small talk during your first day. Current events are the best backup plan when you have to start a conversation with someone you do not know. But avoid talking about politics when coming up with current events. It is not the best topic to talk on in the office when you are an intern.