Free «Assessment in Counseling» Essay Sample

The role and importance of assessment in counseling practice

Assessment plays major roles in counseling and for this reason; therapists need to engage in assessment. This is an ongoing part of any counseling process. Assessments comprises of evaluating pertinent factors in a client’s life to recognize themes for further exploration in the counseling process. The major role of assessment is to provide direction for the treatment process. In addition, assessment enables therapists to spot disruptions in a client’s present lifestyle and behavior. Once the client’s problems have been identified, assessment by the therapists will establish the goals of the therapy process. Assessment will also include an explanation of the causes of the client’s difficulties, an account of how these problems developed over time. Through assessment, therapists can classify any disorders, specify appropriate form of treatment, and evaluate the chances for a successful resolution.

Situations in which formal assessment is applicable

Formal assessment is applicable in different situations in the counseling process. For instance, counseling situations involving identity and personality issues. Therapists can employ formal form of assessment in understanding the client’s perception of their personality. Clients vary in what they perceive and what they want to be. In this case, formal assessment can help reveal the source of these variations (Juhnke, 1995). Another situation in which formal assessment plays a major role is when people make decisions in relation to their careers and jobs. Formal assessments will assist gauge the client’s interests in a large number of occupations, leisure activities, and school subjects.



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Situations in which informal assessment is applicable

Informal assessment mainly occurs in child and family counseling. Informal assessment includes such techniques as observation. Through such methods, therapists can observe their client’s behaviors and relations amongst family members or between child and parents. Informal assessment is also applicable in class situations. Here the teacher can monitor and assess learners progress informally. This can be through observing learners as they answer questions, asks questions, cracks jokes, and other activities in the class. This will provide feedback to the teacher on the progress of the learner in relation to class work (Hiebert, 1996). This is instrumental in situations where learners experience difficulties in their studies.


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