Free «Redefining English Curriculum Programs in Saudi Arabia» Essay Sample

English as a second language (ESL) is the study or use of English by speakers having their diverse native languages. This principle has extensively proved English proficiency to be crucial in both social and the academic success of students. This has formed basis of the ESL Curriculum implementation across the globe. This curriculum endows students with knowledge and skills required to achieve their goals. Saudi Arabia’s increasing cultural and linguistic diversity has provided students with opportunities for cultural enrichment since the introduction of ESL in their educational curriculums. Among the requirements of ESL is to enable students to adopt new ways of interacting and learning with others in order to achieve their set goals. However, development toward full cultural and linguistic competence in English should not be done at the expense of the students’ own cultures and languages. It should rather be enhanced to enable students maintain their own values, linguistic and cultural identities while acquiring English as a second language. This will help them to enter the wider society as both bicultural and bilingual people. In addition, students will be able to choose norms that are appropriate and acceptable in any cultural context at a given situation. This will allow general conduct of ethics between diverse people.



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The ESL curriculum has seen many changes in the sense that, its acquisition has proved a hard task for some learners (Education Department, 1999, p.37). At this age and era, globalization and information technology in most countries, especially in Middle East, Saudi Arabia, have to for now cope with the scientific, social, technological, academic and linguistic changes happening across the world. Globalization is affecting the world economy and social lives are said to be a trade system, which dominates the world market. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, being one of the world’s top exporters of oil ought to ensure that it abides to the terms and effects of globalization and information technology. Saudi Arabia is, however, looking at many ways to cope with fast growing international developments through uplifting her education quality to match those of global accepted standards. Saudi Arabia’s educational institutions have incorporated English subjects in their own curriculum. This is in the efforts of preparing students to the emerged competitive market. The current ESL program consists of four levels in which each level has objectives designed for every student, which he/she has to achieve. However, the current ESL program in Saudi Arabia faces various challenges, which can be addressed and resolved. English learners only speak English while they are in school, but speak native language with parents and friends on home arrival. This makes it even harder for them to retain what they are taught in school due to little practice. This can be attributed by the fact that English language absorption in Saudi Arabia has little impacts. This will require time and patience to be formally accepted and embraced.

This has also facilitated continued deterioration of English language mastery among the student learners. Most Arab students fumble in their writing skills, have problems in tenses, verb structure and subject verb agreement. They also have challenges in using tenses, tense sequence, deletion of tenses and tense making. Poor study methods and inadequate approaches of teaching are possible likely causes of these problems. In the all levels of the ESL programs, students have shown serious weaknesses in communicating proficiently in expressing themselves and it is not satisfactory. Even for the highest level four of ESL learning, modal verbs problems still persist among students. These problems originate from poor teaching methods, slow development in students’ as they have poor communication skills, poor essential principles in both curriculum plan and design. To curb these challenges, ESL program redefinition is recommended.

The program can be redefined through integration of English in the technology instead of having translated programs in Amharic language. This will act as motivation to the students learning English language. This will also be aiming them to have better understanding of technology. Some challenges in the English language exist, because there are different native speakers worldwide. This means that the learners do not clearly understand which accent and pronunciation to adopt. This might contribute to slow English development. This is observed in the way English is spoken by native speakers in the United States of America since it is different from the native British speakers (Esther, 1999). The national curriculum speakers can have a consensus on which variety of English to use to enhance uniformity.

The outer circle of English speakers consists of the foreign English learners who have acquired it in school or at home (Gain, 2001, p.29). However, these learners may have some difficulties in mastering the exact English components. Since English is not their first language. Such English country speakers include all member states of Commonwealth and Canada among others. The expanding circle consists of non-English speakers (Xavier, 2002, p.44). These countries do not use English in their government, schools, or any structures of their national activities. For instance, Russia, Mexico, Asian continent states among others are also included (Hill, 2002, p. 27). However, the rapid economic growth as well as the expansion in educational fields has led to a greater need of learning English as a second language. They have an opportunity to socialize globally and increase the competitiveness of their learners in the global markets.

According to Education and Manpower Bureau (2004), one is required to be conversant with at least one the foreign languages. This recommendation promotes openness as well as interaction of an individual with other cultures. Many countries have had educational reforms on the basis of openness and interaction the principle through teaching of two foreign languages in their curriculums (Bone, 2007). Saudi Arabia is trying to follow this suit, because of the increasing competitive edge in the global markets. The curriculum has also made it possible for learners in any country to study English at the beginning of school and continue to improve it later. The learning process has also been supported by country’s learning context as well as the characteristics of the current educational system (Education & Manpower Bureau, 2007, p.35). In several ways, these goals have to be achieved and affected by the location of the school. For instance, an English teaching program presented in an immigrant camp may have to provide first basic needs before offering the teaching and learning programs (Gardner & Miller, 1999, p.18). On the contrary, English taught in school located in a major city offers the best programs. This is due to the accessibility of services and facilities that support a good learning environment (Darwin, 2007, p.27).  Learners in these schools are given content materials prior learning so helping them in understanding what is taught.

The principles facilitating maintenance of the English curriculum includes the principle that the learners of the English language should use to communicate (Johnson, 2001, p.67). The emphasis has been put for students to know and to be aware of the world around them. The only possible best way to interact with several people is to be able to express oneself in English. Another principle incorporated in the program states that, English language varies according to the context of the communicative purpose. This includes the academic domains of the English language. For perfect and clear communication between people, grammar rules ought to be followed for one to deliver the desired information (Warsh, 2001, p.67). The English learners while teaching other prospective learners must have acquired these rules correctly. English language curriculum also dictates that one has to acquire interdependent skills in order to be competent in English and its application (Morris, 1995). These include speaking, writing, and reading for the effective achievement of communication purposes.

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The new curriculum allocates for students with advanced teaching techniques who educates children in a native-like proficiency (Nunan, 2009, p.46). The main objective of this curriculum is to ensure that English learners are fluent and accurate in their language. 

Up to the fourth grade after the students have been conversant with the English basics, their traditional grammar is also delayed. Effective cultural context thus should present English language as per the curriculum. These contexts refer to inclusion of teaching cultural themes as well as promoting cultural tolerance with other cultures. An interactive class environment is also proposed and to be maintained as an important tool in learning English as a second language. Since conducive calm environment facilitates learning process enhancing its efficiency (Richards, 2001, p.56). The ESL teachers ought to develop a layman’s comprehension of the content area materials to enable them to serve as the best role models of teaching and speaking English. A clear outline of what to be taught in the curriculum to a respective grade must be well laid in order to enhance concise systematic understanding of ESL (Stiggins, 2004).

Role of Technology in Enhancing Teaching of ESL in Saudi Arabia

The wide use of technology in the developing countries has enhanced implementation of the curriculum in the study of ESL (Willis, 2006, p.47). The world web has become a superhighway of information to various people. The fundamental issues in education have created some new challenges in acquiring English as well as changes on how to apply technology. Therefore, the access to learning information is all over the internet posing a challenge to non-English speakers. Modern learning has completely changed more so to the learners (Al-Hazmi, 2007, p.23). ESL is not an exception since it is not mandatory for a learner to attend English classes as it should be. Online journals, dictionaries as well as books provide guidelines about the basics of English as well as audio and video practical lessons. Once one can afford access to the internet, the learning process becomes even easier. Physical teaching lessons area bit more expensive as compared to online learning.

The new technology has also increased chances of networking with other learners as well as exchange of ideas between them. This has facilitated increment of knowledge as diverse ideas are combined to form a great venture or innovation. For instance, ESL learners networks through the internet and form online discussion groups (Alosaimi, 2007, p.89). This has been made possible through video chat and e-learning. There are detailed discussions of the notes from class as well as other online sources. The learners exchange ideas as well as do exams online. More so, the ESL communications expertise has led to the creation of more possibilities and necessities. This is through the implementation of an outcome-based education policy, which recognizes the values, and policies of the ESL curriculum (Asiri, 2006, p.56). Requirement for communication for technology to take effect lies on a good foundational curriculum requiring persuasion multiplicity, context, assessment issues as well as practice. This makes it important for learners to imperative place their elucidation of the recent curriculum into the study for future-proof context. This proves that, with time every student will need the access to the information represented on the web for detailed understanding.

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The solution to these issues includes creating courses that deduce curricula using tools as well as other modalities. Potential proof should be provided and still be sensitive to the contemporary social context. Extensive use of technology has resulted in long-terms merit in educational budgeting as long as resources there are available resources for carrying out these tasks. Nevertheless, the curriculum still needs implementation process in order to be fully successful. Considerations of technology in the curriculum despite the cost factor have been made. This has been seen as imperative due to high costs of hardware’s and software’s support (Bahr, 2006). Most importantly, change in technical support implies that the context applied to mounting technological information literacy becomes more important. More so, individuals making several choices are at first giving a staid contemplation to the factor of rapid obsolescence. This has also been based on the designed learning units that construe curricula properly and are perceptive to the regularly changing nature of expertise and resultant literacy demands (Casella, 2009). The modification in curriculum has focused on achieving the expertise that becomes an essential benefactor to the learners. This provides accessibility to the superior resources that could else be managed (Elyas, 2008). The reason behind such a judgment is that, it is expected that resources obtained can generally be shared among the ESL learners (Ferris, 2009). For example, a wide-band networked infrastructure with access to proper software tools permits students, classes, and additional tutor’s access to the constructed online materials.

Technology in curriculum also provides equity in ESL learning by way of receiving the same information from the tutors as well as an individual study (Hendrickson, 2007). This is by way of providing students with notes as well as revising resources. For instance, the modern ESL curriculum has incorporated the communities in the ESL. The developing ESL society needs informed people to work in schools and perhaps hospital. These sectors need educated people as well as those with proper ESL skills. The budgetary allocations also require educated people to manage these resources set aside for ESL learning. People carry out such activities across the globe giving rise to the need for fluent ESL. The ESL program in a preparatory Saudi Arabia program also focuses on the Islamic culture ethics. The English ethics tend to differ from the Islamic culture (Ibrahim, 2003). However, acquiring ESL will help to merge the Islamic culture with the English culture for better acceptable understanding. For instance, women genders are denied much credit in the Islamic culture, which also includes religion. This could lead to lack of some essential English manners and courtesy accorded to women. This perspective needs change for a perfect and developed society that appreciates all genders.

Technology has ensured inclusion of all genders in learning of ESL. Therefore, both genders can access internet unlike before when the learning of ESL was mostly concentrated on men. This happened, because men were considered to be more outgoing than women. Women majority used to stay at home as housewives and took care of children, but this has changed to sharing of roles by both genders. A special kitty can be set-aside for students to be educated in the native English speaking countries. Teachers can be given scholarships to study more about the English language to enhance efficiency in teaching. The English culture should be used for academic grounds so as not to be in conflict with the Islamic culture.

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Improvement of the English Proficiency Scores in Saudi Arabia Higher Education System

The curriculum redefining strategies has been gained through experience in teaching ESL. This gives a broad overview of what to expect when teaching students. The teaching experience has later been applied in designing preparatory university’s educational programs in Saudi Arabia (Kambal, 2000, p.68). This curriculum has also been transformed through the inclusion in curriculum through government funding. Initially, the English language used to be studied by the children of the rich-oil company workers (Koolmees, 2002). It was considered as the language of the noble in Saudi Arabia. The government has changed ESL curriculum to include all students from the junior level in schools no matter the social status.

ESL centers also enroll parents who are willing to learn the language so as to assist their students to learn better. Parents capable to using English at home have a high likelihood of enabling their children to improve the mastery of the language. More so, parents of Saudi students are prepared to spend as much money to send their children to decent schools overseas, particularly to the United States along with Canada. The top destination of most Saudi students focused on advancing their level of education is in the United States, which can only be enhanced if one understands the English language. Otherwise it is completely useless for a parent in Saudi Arabia to send his child to America for further studies if he cannot speak English. The Saudi regime through the curriculum of the “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz” is presently offering multi-level scholarship donations to commendable Saudi scholars (Mukattash, 2009). This is possibly a political shift to get ready to the oil-rich kingdom for its financial ambitions in the near prospect. In order to confirm its gravity in giving excellent education to its scholars, the Saudi regime has newly offered scholarship grants to about 7000 students to study in countries with paramount universities worldwide. At home, most scholars begin learning English at a grade level. This depicts that students will continue learning along with schooling in the English language (Lee, 2009). Due to immense industrialization that took place approximately 30 years ago and initiation of computerization in the last decade, Saudi students have been obliged to recompense the requirements and prospects accessible country's labor market. To achieve this, the kingdom-government turned to the education sector to employ ESL segment as well to enhance competition in the international jobs.

Most of the ESL school personnel working in Saudi Arabia were employed from its bordering states. The Ministry of Education has obliged all her educational institutions to teach English as a second language in Saudi Arabia (Ben, 2006, p.25). Lack of native English speakers in the oil-rich nation has led to a growing demand for English teachers to work for a high payment package. Apart from the Saudis are faced with mounting numbers of emigrants in the region that also anticipate to enhance their communication capabilities and skills as far as English language is concerned (Sado Al-jarf, 2004, p.36). The amount of enrollees in ESL classes has increased because of economy civilization in the region. However, this is based on the increase in services that necessitate more employees to work in the health institutions, hotels and airports where the use of foreign language is essential.

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A strategy of ELS that is a distinct from the past has made it easy to work in Saudi Arabia. This perhaps is due to more liberal guiding principles presented by rulers (Suleiman, 2008, p.25). The kingdom's royal family at last has realized the purpose of English in improving its own welfare in the global economy. Consequently, the kingdom is now dynamically promoting English curriculum to be incorporated in the country's educational program (Rock, 2003, p.46). There are numerous reasons why Saudi’s want to study English. The most remarkable motivation is that English will help them to progress in their interested professions. Some learners study for the sake of safe enhancement, gratification, and communication reasons with expatriates (Shaughnessy, 2005, p.108). Apart from the hassle for ESL teachers, most Saudi Arabia's stable families also employ private English tutors to teach their children at home. The reimbursement has resulted to high and inspirations to teachers working in the foreign country. For instance, one as a teacher can make over $30000 in a single year. A tutor may earn from $26 to $40 per hour. Because of these rising teaching vacancies, most teachers abroad yearn for an opportunity to teach in Saudi Arabia. What instigates them is not just the sake of taking money home, but rather the reimbursement stipulated in their employment contracts (Shemary, 2008, p.64). In Saudi Arabia, the demand for English teachers is rather limited to skilled male teachers only. The payment package offered in this kingdom is by far improved compared to those provided in numerous Asian nations such as Japan, Thailand, China, and Philippines among others. The income for English tutors is almost tax-free, while there are also profits for transportation and accommodation, among other bonuses.

Hands-On and Theoretical Aspects of Redefining Curriculum

English curriculum developers should include basic information to be disseminated to the learners so as to become ideal members of that society (Benulic, 2001, p.48). All societies feel that education should play a transformative role in giving values geared towards transforming the society dissemination. Children and other students are taught to live and actualize the aspirations of the society as well as serve the interests of the society. However, some technicalities still exists on the issue about the language to be used to actualize the ideals of a certain society. Some scholars have argued that, the local language would serve the community better than a foreign language (Marjanovic, Kranjc, & Fekonja, 2000, p.40), while others have negated these arguments by proposing a language that will receive global recognition. The two groups have constructed theories that should be followed in constructing the curriculum of given societies. These theoretical aspects should be considered in coming up with a new theory that will fit in any society without compromising the lives, culture, beliefs and aspirations of the people. The new theoretical aspect focuses on ideals that will encourage cooperation of one society with a global community; this makes English indispensable in creating such a system.

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All the models that have been used for curriculum design to emphasize a method that will have outcomes and being beneficial to the individual/learner and the society. As such, traditional curriculum designers have continued laying emphasis on a vocational curriculum that will equip people with skills enabling them to become self-reliant. In most cases, these people do not get the knowledge to enable them to fit in a dynamic society; they are fed with the knowledge that makes them fit in their ESL state without much transition. Theorists, who are allied to the traditional view that the native language should be used for the instruction in education, tend to support this education view; they feel that an educated person should be restricted to his or her own society to be of any functional value (Ratcliff, 1992, p.31).

These theorists have justifications for this view. First, they have argued that a curriculum that focuses (entirely) on the local lifestyle tend to empower local people because, educated people will help the society. Secondly, they also argue that for any society to develop, people must be empowered from the grassroots levels. As such, the whole society will develop embracing change and integration with the other societies when time is ready for these advancements. Third, they argue that a curriculum that emphasizes on the local people will ensure that people trained in the society continues to provide services to the same society. The society, which educated and fed them with values, should also utilize their knowledge and expertise in the same society. Theorists’, who are allied to these sentiments, believe that societies that have their elite within reach handle their crisis in an efficient manner because they are highly influential.

However, modern theorists believe that the curriculum should be geared towards an international perspective. This will give people a chance to realize the happenings in the globe and equip them with skills that will make them embrace diversity as a manner of conquering local and global challenges (Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art & Design, 2010, p.76). Modern theorist argues that the world is a single unit, and all people should work together to ensure integration in social, political, and economic spheres. According to these theorists, this can only be realized through constructing a curriculum that will make learners (children) fit in a global setting from their early years of life. Children now will grow with an attitude that makes them fit in the world and solve the problems facing the world. All societies in the world contribute to the advancement of the world. Therefore, they must be involved in running the affairs of the world. Global development is enhanced when there is a common language for all to understand and the English language spoken widely globally hence is prioritized.

The curriculum should also ensure that learners are taught in various ways of associating with different people from other parts of the world (Wilson, 2003, p.76). However, this association cannot happen unless people have a common code of communication. Therefore, modern theorists propose for a curriculum that will lay emphasis on at least one international language because most common being speak English and French. This knowledge will make learners fit in a global world that ensure that all societies of the world are represented. The curriculum also enables people to know the cultures of others. This will bring forth a culture that will receive a global recognition. Theorists, allied to this perspective believe that, a society that is alienated from the global world will be left out in many things that could otherwise be beneficial to the society. As such, a curriculum reflecting a diverse view of the world will be the best to serve the interests of all people in the world.

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These theorists also refute the view that a society that embraces local language and training for the work force will advance faster than a global society. These people argue that, scholars and experts with global knowledge could also come and employ their efforts towards helping people. The local experts equipped with new skills make them serve their community in a professional manner.

A global curriculum will lay emphasis on such things as science and technology (Marzano, 2003, p.45). Over the last few decades, the world has advanced a lot in technology and this has impacts on lives of people making it easy and comfortable. People can do a lot of things through technology, and this gives the society embracing international consciousness credit. Since such a society will be at the forefront in advocating for better ways of conducting day-to-day activities, computers have become almost synonymous with technology.  The society that does not encourage integration with a global world misses a lot of chances to integrate with technology. Therefore, they will not get the best computers (or any computers) to drive their daily activities. Actually, computers come coded in some international languages that will not be understood in societies that do not embrace international integration. As such, these people will not know that they are missing out in many areas, and they will continue lagging behind in areas that could change the lives of all people.

Technology in such spheres as education, medicine, engineering and such areas that shape people’s lives will be very beneficial to all people. However, this cannot be achieved in a conservative society that will not embrace new technology from other parts of the world. Therefore, curriculum designers must embrace a curriculum that enables a society to integrate well with other parts of the world. However, they must consider the local needs of the people.  Moreover they should avoid imposing things that are against the culture of the people. A curriculum that is constructed must be in line with the global trends without compromising the culture of the people. Curriculum designers have many challenges to do this but they ought to ensure that they try their best to provide with a curriculum that will receive local and international approval. It should not focus so much on aspects on international integration and overlook the local situation (Moritz College of Law & American Bar Association, 2010, p.76). 

The Roles of Staff, Parents, Students, and Community in Curriculum Design 

Curriculum design is a collaborative effort among all stakeholders in the education sector. This ensures that all stakeholders are satisfied with the curriculum going to be fed to the students. The curriculum designers must consult people from all aspects of the society to ensure that the design and implementation will be successful.


The staff, especially teachers, play a crucial role in the implementation of the curriculum. In fact, they are the people who are assigned the task to control that the designed curriculum is implemented and evaluated. Therefore, the curriculum designers should involve the teachers (or teachers’ representatives) in the designing of the curriculum. When teachers are involved, they will own the curriculum, as they will feel the sense of belonging when teaching the content that they participated in designing. This will give teachers morale, and even if there are some difficult concepts in the curriculum, teachers will handle these parts efficiently because they will be motivated to do so (Bayona, 1995, p.87).

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Teachers are also aware of the areas that children (learners) have much difficulty in, and they will emphasize on such areas. They also know the content and the approach to tackle these areas and they will construct a logical flow of the content according to the needs of the learners. This will help not to face a dead rock in the areas of difficulty. The teachers will have prior knowledge of such areas, and they will prepare adequately to ensure that the learners do not face many challenges. In addition, teachers know the things that interest their students, and they will integrate these things with the content of the curriculum. This will make learning more interesting venture for both the teacher and students making objectives of the curriculum be achieved well. Therefore, the curriculum designers should involve teachers for effective curriculum design and implementation (Schaik &Terwel, 2001, p.35). 


The parents should also be involved in the curriculum design. These are very important stakeholder as they are affected directly by the implications of the curriculum. They pay school fees of their children (learners), and they should be allowed to contribute in the curriculum design.

Parents are the first people to be affected by any mishaps that may be realized in the curriculum. Actually, they are responsible for the lives of their children when they are not in school. Even when the children are in school, parents are the first people to be consulted in case of anything. Therefore, parents would feel a sense of security when involved in the design of a curriculum that is going to be implanted in schools. Parents need to have a say in the content that is taught to their children. Some parents, in the past have blamed the governments for imposing some curriculums that lead to moral degradation of their children. In fact, some parents have even taken their children from schools in protest of the content contained in the curriculum. As such, getting the views of parents about the content to be included in the curriculum will make these parents comfortable in knowing that their children are getting quality education.

Parents will also get to understand the expenses that likely to be included in the fee of teaching their children. This will make them to pay without complaining since they will have a precise picture on the requirements of the curriculum. As such, the parents will liaise with the school administration in a productive manner.  The relationship breaks reduces between parents and teachers they both want to ensure that the curriculum is implemented in the best possible manner (Pate, Homestead & McGinnis, 1997, p.39). Parental support in learning of the English language in Saudi Arabia is essential because of the traditional respect children have for their parents

Parents will also support a curriculum that tends to instill discipline in learners. This will make these parents very proud because they know that the moral values of their children are taken into account. Therefore, the involvement of parents in curriculum design will make parents endorse such a curriculum for the implementation of all learning institutions.

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These are consumers of all the efforts employed in designing a curriculum. Therefore, their involvement would be indispensable in designing a curriculum that will fit their interests, level of education, and their intellectual capacities.

The curriculum is categorized in stages reflecting the needs of learners at every level of education. This will ensure that a tenth grade math will not be assigned to a fourth grade learner since the learner’s intellectual capacities have not been developed to handle certain levels of complexities. Therefore, the curriculum designers must conduct efficient and reliable research to discover the levels of complexity that the learners can handle. This will help them to design a curriculum that will consider the grades of the learners in terms of the content included in the curriculum.

Learners will also determine their areas of interest, and they will appreciate a curriculum that reflects their needs better than a curriculum that contains abstract things that they cannot understand. This will identify with a curriculum that defines their interests, and this will be reflected in the good grades and levels of success that these students will record.

The Society

All the efforts that are put towards educating members of the society are geared towards making the society comfortable for all people. Therefore, the society should play a key role in the designing of the curriculum that should be implemented in the schools. Society also has the religious and political organizations that shape the curriculum in a big manner.

It is important to mention that the curriculum must not act against the religious beliefs of the people. Therefore, the curriculum designers should consult the members of the society to find out things that should not be included in the curriculum. For instance, in a Muslim country, a curriculum that advocates for a Christian lifestyle will be rejected and parents may even refuse to take their children to such schools. The vice versa could also be the case of Christians.

Therefore, a curriculum should reflect the ideals of the people in a given society. However, a curriculum that tends to remain neutral in case of religious matters works best in many societies. This is because it eliminates religious discriminations among various people of diverse religious beliefs. A curriculum should also take into consideration the politics of a given society in order for it to receive support from the government. Basically, the government funds the curriculum, and it will hesitate to fund a curriculum that tends to be anti-government. As seen above, all aspects of the curriculum need approval from various stakeholders in education. The considerations of these groups will control that a working curriculum is put in place. The English language is not affiliated to any religious organization like the way Latin is related to Catholicism. On this ground the language can be taught without any religious support behind it. New concepts, which are neutral, tend to get more support than those, which are biased. The English language is neutral and has no any harm to the students. 


The English language is a standard communication language in most developing and developed countries. It is, therefore, necessary that a learner have a high competency in English. In order to achieve this, a number of factors come into play. The society should implement a curriculum that helps in achieving the desired competencies. The political, social and economic aspects of the society must all contribute towards this course. The students are the beneficiaries in English language competency; they should offer valuable contribution towards implementation of curriculums that best fit them, at every level of education. Parents, teachers, and the staff must all work together to help achieve competency and proficiency in the English language. Parents provide fees and encouragement to the learners. The staff is expected to offer the best services to the learners. The community at large offer the conducive environment for the learners; effective education policies, understanding, and patience to the learners. Saudi Arabia, for instance, needs to redefine its curriculum in the English language to achieve proficiency and competency, and be able to communicate effectively with the rest of the world.


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