Free «The Effects of Industrial Revolution» Essay Sample

Industrial revolution refers to an era of huge technological, economic, social and cultural transformations, which affected human beings. The first industrial revolution improved people’s lifestyle by opening their minds to diverse ways of thinking to a moderate lifestyle. This is just similarly to the aims industrialization which was to convert various countries' populations from being primarily rural to being primarily urban. However, this resulted to social effects some being positive and other negative.

The industrial revolution has transformed many states impressively. It has advanced people’s minds to be able to establish great innovations for their own advantages. However, this comes along with some social impact, the first main social impact resulted by industrial revolution was the change of lifestyle. This involved the activities people had engaged themselves into before the industrial revolution. The farming activity which was their major source of living was aborted by the development of factories which were installed with machines which carried out the activities done by human beings. This resulted to high incidents of unemployment due to advancement of technology. However, there were changes in the lifestyle of human beings since most of the activities were carried out by use of a machine which were fast and effective. There was also an increase in the productivity sector which resulted to the expansion of markets. This resulted to the second social impact due to the distribution of wealth among the people but only a few were able to acquire which altered the social relations among the people due to the establishment of a modern, urban society comprising a high number of middle class people (Patrick, 2002).



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The advanced technology resulted to massive production of commodities from various industries in the era of the industrial revolution. This led to unlimited increase in the GDP per capita of the partaking countries, like the United States .This resulted to massive wealth which was distributed among the people but unluckily only a few got accesses to it, thus enhanced the formation of different classes of people respectively with the amount of wealth. The generation of the social classed resulted to the rise of capitalism which involves class distinction in the society (Patrick, 2002).The social classes formed as a result of the rise of capitalism comprises of the rich and poor. The poor are highly exploited by the wealthy generation in terms of wages, resources and working hours in the factories owned by the rich. This makes the poor to feel the urge of getting fair wages and treatment in their working condition.It is in this process of abolishing inequality and unfairness resulted by the capitalism, where the communism theory emerged.

Capitalism and communism differ in their concepts and therefore, resulting to various differences. In capitalism, the goods which are socially-shared goods are privately owned, interest is consumed from capital share to increase investment, and social relations in manufacturing sector are facilitated by wage-labor .Morally, capitalism mostly associates with rights-based concepts that highlights liberty and equality of chances. On the other hand in communism, the property which is socially-shared is owned by the whole society property, interest is reflected as a dishonest, and social relations in manufacturing are facilitated by open and equal beings, since the ways of living and progress are delivered socially. Morally, communism mostly associates with moral philosophies that highlight capacity and equality of fortune (Patrick, 2002).


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