Free «E-learning» Essay Sample

E-Learning is becoming an essential component of organizational development. Organizations actively engage in various types of e-learning initiatives in order to promote positive organizational growth and to ensure that employees are able to integrate their skills with the major goals and organizational objectives. Whether organizations can utilize the benefits of e-learning to the fullest and whether organizations can reduce its drawbacks depends on the specific goals and structure of online classrooms. Nevertheless, it is obvious that e-learning is likely to remain the leading organizational trend in the coming decades.

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E-Learning is becoming an essential component of organizational development. Organizations actively engage in various types of e-learning initiatives in order to promote positive organizational growth, and to ensure that employees are able to integrate their skills with the major goals and organizational objectives. In my organization, I took several online classrooms, but in distinction from the current course, our company sought to create a kind of a virtual team, in which employees would actively interact. On the one hand, such team approach to online classrooms made it possible for employees to find effective paths for professional agreement.

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On the other hand, virtual teams significantly facilitated the process of achieving strategic learning objectives. These online classrooms have gradually led me to realize the major benefits and drawbacks of e-learning in different organizational environments.

As learners, we are offered a set of e-learning benefits. First of all, e-learning is extremely flexible; and I can successfully complete the required set of assignments even when I am away from home. Second, e-learning allows learners to choose the pace of learning. Third, e-learning is always interactive, which makes the whole process of mastering new knowledge extremely interesting and dynamic. Finally, e-learning provides access to a wide range of supplementary materials, which can be used to explore the most problematic practical organizational issues (Kruse, 2004). From the viewpoint of organizations, e-learning is a cost-effective solution: it reduces time and resources needed to develop and implement a learning course. Unfortunately, mastering e-knowledge is impossible without mastering computer technologies. Many employees face a serious obstacle, when working with advanced computers (Kruse, 2004).

Electronic reading materials can hardly compete to conventional textbooks and magazines. Also, e-learning does not always promote interaction between students. In conventional classrooms, students are engaged in continuous discussion and debate, with the latter being the driver of effective learning. Whether organizations can utilize the benefits of e-learning to the fullest and whether organizations can reduce its drawbacks depends on the specific goals and the structure of online classrooms. Nevertheless, it is obvious that e-learning is likely to remain the leading organizational trend in the coming decades.


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