Free «Cross Cultural Communication» Essay Sample

The term emotions is used to refer to the internal phenomena that can either be observed or not observed through behavior and expression. There are a number of cultures in the world. These cultures have differing ways of expressing emotions. Some cultures express their emotions freely while others have difficulties in expressing the same. This difference is most prominent between the Western and Eastern cultures.

Studies indicate that some cultures have more emotions than others. This is because some cultures are more sensitive than others. An emotionally sensitive culture is one which experiences intense emotions than other cultures. The reactions of an emotionally sensitive culture are quicker, stronger and lasts longer than for a less emotionally sensitive culture.

Some cultures have focused sensitivity. This is to mean that they have a more noticeable emotional reaction on certain issues than other cultures. Additionally, they are emotionally sensitive at particular times. Some of the cultures may have had a history of being emotionally sensitive while others may have been forced by circumstances to become more sensitive to issues.



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Emotions are both socio-cultural and biological in nature and differ across cultures. This implies that there exist cultural disparities in the modal, prevalent, as well as normative emotional responses. The difference can be explained in terms of subjective feeling, antecedent events, behaviour, and appraisals all differing across cultures. Some cultures are more emotionally sensitive than others, meaning that they will exhibit more emotions compared to others.

Although emotions are universal experiences, they are swayed by culture. The extent to which individuals experience emotions differ as a function of culturally normative behaviour of their society. Some cultures value certain emotions more compared to others. For instance, although happiness is deemed a popular emotion in all cultures, such countries as America, which have individualistic views view happiness as attainable, infinite, and experienced within. On the other hand, in Japan which is a collectivistic culture, happiness is relational and encompass many external and social factors, and is inherent in collective experiences among individuals. Emotions develop from several sources and entail evaluating the linkages between self and others. In this context, America culture can be said to have or experience happier than the Japanese culture.


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