Free «Organizational Culture and Communication» Essay Sample

Organizational culture as a concept refers to the collective beliefs, experiences, procedures as well as values that are found in an organization dictating its operations (Keyton, 2010). This way distinguishes one organization from other. The main determinant of organizational culture and thus communication in the organization is adopted leadership style. Some of the common organizational cultures include complete, collaborative, controlled, and creative organizational cultures (Anaeto, 2010).

Each of these organizational cultures has its own unique effects on communication. In a collaborative culture, individuals work in an environment where they have a lot in common. The authorities are regarded as mentors. Considering the realm of communication, emphasis is mostly laid on long term development of human resource. Adopted communication method influences members of organization towards group cohesion. This enhances teamwork, participation, and effective cooperating work in an organization.



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In creative culture, innovativeness, entrepreneurial, dynamism, and risk taking are embraced by employees and leaders (Keyton, 2010). Involved parties are committed towards experimentation and different ideas that unify the whole organization. Employees and leaders have freedom of expression when it comes to communication. The results of this are presenting new products and services in the market.

Considering the issues of controlled culture, rules, regulations, and procedures dictate how employees behave. Since this is a highly structured work place, leaders coordinate communication and organize it efficiently for the smooth running of an organization. This hierarchical communication leads to holding working group together. The success depends solely on the smooth scheduling and low cost (Anaeto, 2010).

The last one is complete culture that focuses on job completion. Individuals involved are goal oriented and competitive. Great emphasis is laid upon winning which results in unifying organization. A significant concern is put on the organization's reputation and success, competitive action and achievement of stipulated goals and objective. Competitive prices and market leadership are vital elements of communication in organization (Keyton, 2010).

In conclusion, every organization has a culture that should provide effective communication within an organization. This will further culminate to sound and adequate management system that is necessary for profound results. The culture dictates a flow of command and mode of communication adopted in an organization whether top bottom, bottom top or both ways of communication.


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