Free «Terrorism Groups» Essay Sample

There are two types of terrorism groups, the international and domestic groups.

 Domestic terrorism, as defined by the federal bureau of investigation is the threatened or unlawful use of violence by an individual or groups, which are located and operate within a country, say United States. These groups are politically or socially motivated they coerce the Government, the civilian population and other segments of the society.

The KKK terror group, which stands for, Ku Klux Klan, is a group that upholds extreme violence for it to achieve its goals. It is an anti-Semitic, racial group whose goals are that of white supremacy and segregation in terms of racism. The Ku Klux Klan has the greatest numbers of national and local organizations in the United States.

            This Ku Klux Klan terror group was founded in the year 1886 by the following Civil War veterans; John C. Lester, Frank O. McCord, Calvin Jones, John D. Kennedy, Richard R. Reed and finally Major James R. Crowe. This group has a high criminal rate ranging from hate crimes to acts of domestic terrorism. These groups under the Ku Klux Klan communicate with each other through the internet, leaflets and mass mailing. It has affiliations as the National Socialists Movement, Christian Identity groups and Aryan Nations. Its financial support comes from sales of the Klan paraphernalia and membership fee.



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It was in the Civil War that the Klan was seen as the first, true terrorists group. The Ku Klux Klan was made up of low-working class whites; thus, their enemies were African Americans, the white Americans that stood up for them, and the federal governments that were in support of their rights. After a rapid change in the social scene, the Ku Klux Klan incarnated and increased its enemy’s lists to include Catholics, homosexuals, Jews, and different immigrants groups.

The Ku Klux Klan has created fear and anxiety on matters concerning immigration in the minds of many Americans. The Ku Klux Klan has over 40 different groups in the United States, each having several chapters in several states. There are over one hundred chapters around the United States and has combined members and associates that are about 5000. In the year 2006, the Ku Klux Klan groups attempt to exploit fears in the Americans over gay marriage, perceived assaults on Christianity, crime and especially immigration.

International terrorism group

International terrorism as defined is the threatened or unlawful use of violence by an individual or groups, which are located and operate outside the country by citizens of other countries. The Al-Qa‘ida’s terrorism group was established by Osama Bin Laden in the year 1988, in collaboration with Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. This group’s goal is to have established in the Muslim world a pan-Islamic caliphate. Al-Qa‘ida group seeks to have Muslims united and fight the West, especially the United States, and defeating Israel so as to overthrow the Muslim regimes.

In the year, 1998 in the month of February the group issued a statement that stated that it was the duty of Muslims to kill United States citizens, both civilians and military, and any of their friend worldwide. This was under a banner they had created that was of the World Islamic Front  for the holy war  against the Jews and Crusaders. In the month, of June 2001 the group merged with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

The Al-Qa‘ida’s group made true this statement in the year 2001 in the month of September on the 11th day, when they hijacked and crashed four United States jets. Two were crashed in the city of New York on the WorldTradeCenter, one was crashed onto the Pentagon near Washington D.C, and finally the fourth one was crashed into a field in Shanks ville, Pennsylvania, leaving nearly 3000 people dead. The Al-Qa‘ida group has attacked also the said friends of the United states through the 12th October 2000 attacks and the 1998 bombing. These attacks took place in the USS Colee in the port of Aden in Yemen, and in Nairobi city in the Kenyan republic, and in Dar es Salaam city in the Tanzania republic respectively. They killed 17 United States sailors injuring 39 and killed 224 injuring 5000 people respectively. With, its affiliated groups the Al-Qa‘ida group has conducted worldwide attacks in Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South Asia.

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The national security archive website elaborates more on terrorism and the policy of the United States

Similarities and differences of these terrorist groups are as follows;


The two groups, the international and domestic terrorism groups, have several similarities. Some of them include the following. They are formed by a minority of persons who were not satisfied with how the world rules are. For example, the Civil War veterans who were racists and did not like the African Americans who they perceived to have invaded their territory formed the Klux Klan. The Al-Qa‘ida group, on the other hand, did not like the idea of the United States invading their Muslim territory. This explains why there were attacks made by the group against the US. The attacks were executed across the world in US embassy’s in order to harm the us citizens. This led to many casualties of US and other host countries citizens besides the destructions of property.

They both act against the human violation in that they kill people, who are innocent, if they cross their path. The Ku Klux Klan were killing people who were against them even if they were fellow white men, they disliked Catholics, homosexuals and different immigrants. The Al-Qa‘ida’ group killed and even stated that they had a right to kill the Americans and any other state that supported the UnitedState. They bombed Kenya and Tanzania for such reasons and the invaded America, left many dead, and injured.

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They are all wanted by the country in which they attacked since they went against the criminal violation wars. Since they went against the criminal violations Acts, they are being sought by the states they invaded so that they can be tried in a court of law. For example, the United States of America has been in search of the Al-Qa‘ida group for their acts of inhumanity. Their search was successful in this year when the American Government managed to kill Osama bin laden.


The domestic terrorism is conducted by citizens of the country within the jurisdiction of the country, while he international terrorism group is by citizens of another country and can commit this act within or outside the jurisdiction of the affected country.


 In my opinion, the greatest threat to the United States of America is the international terrorists group, for example, the Al-Qa‘ida group that has caused a lot of death for the country’s citizens.


There are two types of terrorism groups, the international and domestic groups.

Domestic terrorism, as defined by the federal bureau of investigation is the threatened or unlawful use of violence by an individual or groups, which are located and operate within a country, say United States. International terrorism as defined is the threatened or unlawful use of violence by an individual or groups, which are located and operate outside the country by citizens of other countries.

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An example of domestic terrorism is the KKK terror group, which stands for, Ku Klux Klan. A group upholds extreme violence for it to achieve its goals. It is an anti-Semitic, racial group whose goals are that of white supremacy and segregation in terms of racism. The Ku Klux Klan has the greatest numbers of national and local organizations in the United States. In the year 2006, the Ku Klux Klan groups attempt to exploit fears in the Americans marriage in the gay society, perceived assaults on Christianity, crime and especially immigration.

An example of the international terrorism group is the Al-Qa‘ida’s terrorism group was established by Osama Bin Laden in the year 1988, in collaboration with Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union. This group’s goal is to have established in the Muslim world a pan-Islamic caliphate. In year 2001, in the month of September on the 11th day, the group hijacked and crashed four United States jets.

The national security archive website elaborates more on terrorism and the policy of the United States. The two groups similarities are: They are formed by a minority of persons who were not satisfied with how the world rules. They both act against the human violation in that they kill people, who are innocent, if they cross their path. They are all wanted by the country in which they attacked since they went against the criminal violation wars. The difference is the location of the groups in that the domestic terrorism is within the country while international terrorism is from other countries. In my opinion, the greatest threat to the United States of America is the international terrorists group, for example, the Al-Qa‘ida group that has caused a lot of death for the country’s citizens.


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