Free «Building Business Application» Essay Sample


Currently business applications use very varied techniques and methods in the quest for a better image of the organization to the public. With the advancement in technology, the business sector must move with zeal to acquire the market share through proper technological advancements. The tools that are used in the application process help the business in understanding the whole idea of business performance and metrics. This data is obtained from data sheets in form of tables, reports and forms that are accessible to the users (Microsoft Single View Platform 2011).

 However, these gadgets are very expensive to maintain because of the hurdles therein. Others in this category are the portals that are available on the web for customers and other stakeholders to understand what a firm offers. Some information is also available on the geospatial system of an organization. Issues of cost, complexity and reliability are addressed by these tools in an organization.

The use of SQL Server in Boston Superstores

SQL server 2008 had an earlier name of Katmai. It was released into the information and communication sector on 6th August, 2008. It aims at making the management of data self maintaining, self tuning and self organizing with the developments of the newest SQL technologies. This provides a downtime of near zero. It includes support for both semi structured and structured data. This data includes the media formats and pictures. Currently, such multimedia data are stored as Binary Large Objects (BLOBs).



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 However, these are generic bit streams. The escalating awareness on the multimedia data has encouraged the performance of very specialized functions (Lance et al 2005). It can pack different sets of data like email, XML, documents, time, calendar, and spatial among others. It will at the same time synchronize several data types instantly. All these transformations in the field of information and communication technology are geared towards attaining the optimum utilization of these services available by the computer and internet generation companies across the globe.

Integration Services

Integration services prove to be useful for managing this condition by providing the supply chain with the required information. They also facilitate communication between the partners in the supply chain. Global coordination is indeed one of the extremely important roles the firms have to perform. This will enable firms to have optimal global operations in order to attain operational flexibility. It is amazing that the effectiveness of this noble service varies very differently in different firms. This may be due to the prevalence of different legacy components of software (Microsoft Business Intelligence 2012).

It is also due to inadequate help from the management, as well as low involvement of users. The management may also poorly define and plan the project. There are several ways of curbing the problems, such as evaluation of software procedures and software tools of design, like XML and CASE among others. The managers need advice to communicate with the software specialists and users throughout the implementation process.

SQL server 2008 is application of procedures, policies and technologies needed to protect the supply chain assets, such as facilities, products, information, equipment, and personnel, from terrorism, damage or theft. It also prevents the introduction of contraband, unauthorized people or weapons of mass destruction into the supply chains (Lance et al 2005). 

Table1: Boston Products        
_Code _Name       Cost        Price Qty_per_unit Category
NWTB-1 Chai/Tea 13.50 18.00 10 boxes x 20 bags Beverages
NWTCO-3 Syrup 7.50 10.00 12 - 550 ml bottles Condiments
NWTCO-4 Cajun Seasoning 16.50 22.00 48 - 6 oz jars Condiments
NWTO-5 Olive Oil 16.01 21.35 36 boxes Oil
NWTJP-6 Boysenberry Spread 18.75 25.00 12 - 8 oz jars Jams, Preserves
NWTDFN-7 Dried Pears 22.50 30.00 12 - 1 lb pkgs. Dried Fruit & Nuts
NWTS-8 Curry Sauce 30.00 40.00 12 - 12 oz jars Sauces
NWTDFN-14 Walnuts 17.44 23.25 40 - 100 g pkgs. Dried Fruit & Nuts
NWTCFV-17 Fruit Cocktail 29.25 39.00 15.25 OZ Canned Fruit & Vegetables
NWTBGM-19 Chocolate Biscuits Mix 6.90 9.20 10 boxes x 12 pieces Baked Goods & Mixes

(Microsoft Business Intelligence 2012)

Corporations manage very complex subsidiary networks with customers and suppliers. This is due to the globalization process taking place currently. Information systems come in handy in managing this condition by providing the supply chain with the required information. They also facilitate communication between the partners in the supply chain. Global coordination is indeed one of the extremely important roles firms have to perform. This will enable firms to have optimal global operations in order to attain operational flexibility.

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It is amazing that the effectiveness of this noble service varies very differently in different firms. This may be due to the prevalence of different legacy components of software. It is also due to inadequate management support and low involvement of users. The management may also poorly define and plan the project. There are several ways of curbing the problems, such as evaluation of software procedures and software tools of design like XML and CASE among others. Managers need advice to communicate with the software specialists and users throughout the implementation process. 

Server Roles

SQL is very remarkable in most Small and medium enterprise developments. However, implementing this system may be difficult in a multinational company. The system must interface with interfirm and intrafirm software, which can be achieved through an IT network that covers all the countries the firm operates in. It can also be performed through the exchange of structured information across the world, while allowing customisation in each country. It also manages vast amount of information, such as duties and tariffs. The manager is also unfamiliar with the global contexts. Finally, there is a large number of global factors. Other complications arise from business, language, cultural and legal environments that are very diverse. Variation in technology and vendor support, local market size, availability of local IT staff, national infrastructure and data export controls are some of the problems. Programs that are simple to carry out domestically are a problem when undertaken internationally. 

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This server is very important in the supply chain management. Supply chain management security is application of procedures, policies and technologies needed to protect the supply chain assets. It also prevents the introduction of unauthorized contrabands.Supply chain protection does not stop at the point of securing facility through gates and locks, but extends further to protection of products and people. It is also a tool for preventing disruptions of supply chain operations. There is concern that the disruptions may go beyond an individual firm, hence the need for a broader supply chain framework arises. This helps in protecting the customers, public and brand equity.

SQL server 2008 is important in asset tracking. Companies put such tags on assets that are not important, stolen or underutilized (Delaney et al. 2007). It is important where it tracks parts and works in progress. It reduces defects and manages the production of various samples of the same product. It tracks shipments among supply chain partners. In the retailing industry, it is important for improving supply chain efficiency, and thus making sure that products are on the shelves when customers need them urgently. It is also important in payment systems, with the most common one being the payment of road tolls without stopping in order to shorten the gap in the supply chain management. Security and access control also uses this technology. This is in the use of electronic key to control access to buildings and areas in office places.

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Therefore, the technology can create an audit trail, which has revoked the contents of the document that has shared the documents. They can then enforce version control by turning off an old version and then authenticating the tampering with the document. It gives the digital signature technology, such as the one used in the U.S. 2011 fiscal year budget. Security competencies are through an interactive strategy, which involves the development of security capabilities, such as the infrastructure, assets and resources that maintain supply chain security. With this continuous use of the SQL server 2008, the entire humanity would benefit from the readily available services by the gadget both in the business and other sectors of the economy.

Server Query System

This system uses a computer network to monitor and record information in query form. Electronic visitor management systems have added database searching, photo identification capability, automatic door access and other functions. This has evolved due to the improvement in information technologies (Ben Gal et al. 2007). This improves most of the visitor management systems by showing searchable visitor information databases. Photo identity cards printing occur once or repeatedly. The security screening process is by using swipe cards.

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They are expensive in comparison to the pen and paper technology. They also need a longer adaptation period for the building staff, security personnel and visitors as compared to the pen and paper system. Since their adoption in the early 1990s, the use of computers for visitor management has increased dramatically. Recent years have also seen an increased use of systems for controlling out- and inflow of visitors to a premise or even a country.

Management of SQL server 2008

There is a number of management software available in the market under SQL servers. These applications classically consist of two fundamental components, such as visitor registration and visitor badge printing. Visitor management software also serves as a service. A web-based management system also provides alternative services. This solution is important in multi-tenant buildings. It is in enterprise corporations with a global reach. The system is highly scalable, since there is no on-site software. There have been many controversies concerning the development of these computerized management systems (Ben Gal et al. 2007).

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In order to be successful in the management of information systems in the firm, it is paramount to employ the principle of SQL in the strategic management. To function efficiently, SQL should perform three basic skills at the level of management of information services in an organization. These are issues such as technical, conceptual and human skills. Conceptual skills involve the capacity to develop ideas, understand abstract relationships and solve the problems of the company amicably. Human skills involve the ability to interact, communicate and associate with others to gain cooperation. Technical skills are the area of specialty of an individual, such as engineering, law and medicine, among other. Technical skills are relevant at the lower levels of the organization’s work because managers are dealing directly with employees. Technical skills are also necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment of the patients. Conceptual skills are important for monitoring the organization as a whole, and therefore, understanding the relationship among various subunits. They then help visualize the organization in the wider environment (Alastair 2012).

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This implement is important in the top management positions. Human skills are the ability to work well with other people in groups or as individuals. These skills are the most crucial because managers deal directly with people. Health care providers should at least try to develop all the three managerial skills. This is because all of the skills are equally important.

To summarise, these servers have been important in the management of individuals leaving and entering a premise. It is the tracking or pursuing the utility of a public building or site. The system can record and store data on the usage of the facilities by visitors, and then provide very vital information concerning the visitors’ whereabouts. The systems help in complementing the building’s security and accessing the control systems. This is because it provides the record containing the buildings usage. Most vendors and entrepreneurs provide visitors’ management software and systems.

Table 2: Boston Invoice      
           no Date             Total            Id                Order No
1 1/1/2010 21.35 1 8
2 2/2/2005 124.33 4 4
3 5/5/2002 30.00 5 2
4 6/6/2009 140.00 2 5
5 4/4/2010 230.50 3 65
6 3/3/2012 39.00 4 2
7 7/7/2008 16.01 6 14
8 8/4/2006 189.00 8 21
9 7/6/2011 22.50 9 2
10 9/3/2007 30.00 7 54
11 1/1/2010 177.00 1 225
12 2/2/2005 129.25 5 41
13 5/5/2002 129.90 6 24
14 6/6/2009 75.50 9 214
15 4/4/2010 158.00 4 21

(Microsoft Business Intelligence 2012)




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