Free «Sneak Organic and Traditional Foods» Essay Sample

1. Executive summary

“Sneak organic and traditional foods” is a restaurant that will deal specifically with traditional foods and organic foods. This is the only restaurant in the Muranga County that will be dealing with these kinds of foods. The food prices  range from Ksh 50 to Ksh 350. It is intended to attract people from the region who are on special diets and those who have a preference for organic and traditional foods.

The hotel will have a sitting capacity of 300 people; it will have giant television sets for the sports enthusiasts. This will enable the hotel to draw customers across all age groups. The hotel will also provide outside catering services and conference facilities when the need arises. The hotel is a sole proprietorship and will derive its funding from personal savings and a loan from a bank

1.1 Objectives

The objectives of sneak restaurant are;

Build an organic and traditional food chain

Increase its capacity from 300 to 1000 in the next 3 years

Pack fresh foods and juices by the 3rd year of operation

Have an organic farm to produce  raw materials to be used in the hotel



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1.2. Mission

The mission of sneak restaurant is to provide the best services in the hotel industry to the residents of Muranga county. The restaurant will be more than just a foods and conference facility, it will aim at giving comfort to the clients.

The conference facility will be the best in the region with instructors available when the need arises. The seats and tables will be of the best quality available. This is to ensure that our clients are comfortable when holding their meetings.

Services that go beyond the available in the market will include

Home delivery

Opportunity for clients to supervise preparation of their meals if they wish

Hot  sizzling meals

Free fruits upon purchase of food worth more than Ksh 100

Environment friendly packaging

1.3 keys to success.

Build a strong local position amongst the residents of Thika town

Maintain sound financial position of the business

Treat employees like equal partners so as to get the best from them

Offer competitive salaries to attract the best professionals in the industry

Offer training on the latest developments in the  market to keep employees up to date

2.  Company summary

The restaurant is owned by John Sneak. He has been working in the hotel industry for over 20 years. His experiences are across all departments at the managerial levels. He has worked as a sales and marketing manager, personnel manager and the chief executive officer. He has invested heavily in agriculture to create a reliable and cheap source of the foodstuffs to be used in the hotel. He owns large tracts of land all under large scale crop and animal production. His wife is a nutritionist and together there are going to form a great team.

2.1. Start up summary

The owner is going to invest Ksh 500, 000 from his personal savings and obtain a loan of equal amount.This money will be spent mainly on purchases of food stuff and cooking equipments. The owner of the hotel owns the completely furnished  building and the only things remaining are the cooking equipments.

 2.2. Company location

The hotel is located at Thika town at Freedom Street. This is on a new state of the art building that  has just been completed. The building will house hotel, the sports bar and a conference hall.     

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  3. Products and services

The company intends to offer hotel services with a menu that will include all traditional foods from  as many communities around the country as possible. The hotel will also stick to strictly fresh products. The company will also be offering outside catering services to people who might be in need of their services. There will also be conferencing services to people or organizations that will be holding conferences. The conference hall has a capacity of 500 seated people. The charges will be as follows

Outside catering, food and services only                    20- 100 people     Ksh 20, 000

101-150 people    Ksh 50,000

151-200 people     Ksh 80,000

201- 300 people Ksh 120,000

Above 300 people @ Ksh 200

Conference services lunch and beverages included Ksh 2000 per individual

Market analysis

The  hotel and fast food industry are some of the fastest growing industries in the country at the  moment  This is fueled by the influx of colleges in the urban areas and also the high number of professionals working in the urban areas. Most hotels offer fast foods and at high prices. This creates a room for organic and traditional foods. The need for a wide variety of foods different from the common chips and chicken is an opportunity for the sweet and highly nutritious traditional foods.Organic foods and traditional food are gaining market due to the following reasons

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The high number of people on special diets. This is a result of a high number of diabetes, HIV and other disease patients. These require the patients to be on special diets to increase their chances of survival.

 Campaign on the effects of chemically processed foods. Nutritionists are campaigning vigorously on the need to eat foods devoid of chemicals. This, they claim will have an impact on the prevalence of some of these diseases being experienced currently that were not heard of a couple of centuries ago

High food prices are forcing people to use the traditional foods that they have neglected for many years. In the process consumers have found their benefits and because they are cheap and readily available, they are fast becoming popular.

5.  Market strategy and implementation

The company targets primarily people on special diets and those with a preference for traditional and organic foods. The marketing strategy adopted will to reach out to people on special diets. It will  educate them on the need to maintain good eating habits. This will enlighten them and create a reliable demand.

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5.1. Marketing strategy

The marketing strategies to be adopted will be varied based on the service being advertised.

The main objective being to popularize the business amongst the targeted clientele base. 

The following methods will be adopted

 Advertisements in the media

Bill boards


Cooking demonstrations to sensitize people


Free fruits


The company is going to sell its products at the lowest prices in the market. This will attract people on special diets and also draw clients from all over due to its highly competitive prices. To achieve this, the company will make sure that it gets its raw materials at the lowest costs. The owner will be supplying most products from his farm, this will greatly reduce its cost of production.

6.  Management summary

The hotel will be managed by John Sneak who has a wide experience in the hotel industry. Mrs. Sneak will be the assistant manager and in charge of nutrition. She  will be very  determining the right type of food and preparation to prevent nutrient loss. The company will also target highly qualified professionals to fill all senior positions. This is  to ensure that the company meets its mission of providing the best possible services in the market

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6.1 Personnel plan

Manager (John Sneak)

Asst manager (Carol Sneak)




Security officer


Store keeper

Cooks (10)

Waiters (20)

Cleaners (3)


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