Free «Downsizing and Layoffs & Organization Strategic Objectives» Essay Sample

Downsizing and lay offs is a tough economic decision that an organization has to make. Layoffs are an intervention step taken by an organization to ensure its fiscal health is maintained when economic conditions are difficult and therefore the need to cut costs. However this step leads to another yet bigger problem of getting careers or assistance they need for the employees since they never see the layoff coming. The company is obligated to incur the costs of all its employees. The assistance provided to the layoff employees varies from one organization to another. In this paper, I provide suggestions for the type of assistance that is needed for outplacement program.

A company may offer career help which will enable the employees who are laid off to find another work since they will have problems finding one. They may have office access, computer access problem or lack knowledge for job hunting. This career help may be in form of career transition services such as job hunting help, career counseling or a job portfolio is created. The human resource department of the company or career services hired by organization may be tasked to provide these services. A company may also contract an agency to coach them, provide them with computer help or enable them access office assistance that may be relevant as they pursue new employment (What Is Outplacement?, n.d.).



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The layoff being so sudden requires an assurance on financial security of the outplacement employees. There is need to champion for their right to a fair typical severance and also medical insurance coverage. This would be in addition to possible allowance and financial consultation for training as well as guaranteeing them rehire when there is conditions of the business improve. For those employees who would ask for cash instead of outplacement programs and this would be a good alternative (Heathfield, n.d.).


The organization that carries out Downsizing and Layoffs has a responsibility of ensuring that the process of outplacement is completed successful. Normally, the layoffs are sudden and therefore the company needs to ensure the employees are get a new work through counseling, training,  office access and also provision  financial allowances.


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