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Every organization needs well-equipped employees who are able to spearhead the implementation of its strategic objectives which, when achieved, translate to the success of the organization. According to the textbook, this is done through ensuring that there is availability of trained and skilled employees at all times and at all levels of management. There are many ways of getting the skilled or trained employees, such as identification and development of talents, identification of skills and competences, and provision of development opportunities and experiences. In the article, employees are equipped through appointment of talented organizers in pivotal positions. In both the textbook and the article, the success management plays an important role in ensuring availability of the required staff to serve the organization’s interests. The main aim of this essay is to examine the reflections of current events that are related to succession management and HR planning.
The article is on global succession management by Amway, a direct- selling multinational company in America, that offers a variety of products through multi-level marketing. Leadership in Amway’s Succession Management Process (SMP) is portrayed as a partial extensive Talent Development of the corporation. In this scenario, the expansion of reach and appointment of destiny leaders to pivotal positions have their importance emphasized. One of the Global SMP’s key differentiators is that its design is not only an elementary care deputy practice but also a marker for probable replacements for specific positions by specific persons. In addition, the success of Global SMP of Amway is driven by clarity experienced around an imbalance between high potentials and high performers.
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There are four pivotal principles that build Global Succession Management Process at Amway. First, the process involves care as a job and as a high performance prerogative. Leaders at Amway are stressing on specific competencies as part of their pursuit up the corporate ladder. The second element is the emphasis on selecting and building pivotal care position for leader from within the organization who must constitute about 70-85 % of employees. However, Amway can move others outside an organization in mid-career leaders. The third element is the emphasis on common routines dealing with expansion functions and geography of leaders. Finally, it has been announced that identified leaders with high potentials will accept a conscious accelerated development. There are also three extended phases in the Succession Management routine during Amway. This is initiated by a hearing on the strategies of a division with an analogous hearing on destiny care skills implications, as well as attributes that can easily become indispensable for the organization’s leadership. The company’s global leadership competencies not only serve a good foundation for this practice but also are well suited for Amway Leadership Passages (Yeo, 2013).
The article describes succession management and therefore relates very closely with the topic in chapter 8, “Succession Management.” The Succession Management process plays an important role in ensuring training and collecting pools of skilled employees so as to meet the organization’s strategic objectives. In addition, it is also part of talent management process, which includes selection process, career management, and exiting the organization. In a new approach, the process focuses on the critical roles of CEO, executive and other critical roles, as based on the long-term value.
Succession management process originates from replacement planning, which was necessary for organizations in staffing key managerial positions. Organizations later identified that the process, for instance, helps individuals map their career plans, improves the ability of employees to respond to dynamic environmental demands, improves the morale of the employees, helps the organization cope with downsizing effects and implement strategic business plans of the organization.
Succession management process is carried out in a number of steps. The first step is aligning the process with strategy, which is a crucial starting point for every organization in predicting its position in the next few years. The second step is the identification of skills and competencies needed, which can be done using the job-based approach and the competency-based approach. The former focuses on skills, job experiences and responsibilities, which are required for a job to be performed. This method is inadequate due to the rapid manner in which jobs change. The latter focuses on the attributes that can be measured and that plays the role of differentiating successful from the unsuccessful employees, as well as their hard and soft skills. There are three types of identified competencies in the process, such as core, specific, and distinctive competences.
The third step is the identification of high-potential employees, which begins with identifying managerial talents using temporary replacements, strategic replacements, and talent management culture. The fourth step is providing opportunities and experiences, about which Peter Drucker argued that most managers are made and not born; therefore, there had to be a systematic work on the development, supply, and skills of tomorrow’s management. Thus, the succession management process cannot be left to chance. Succession management includes management development methods, which are characterized by promotions, special assignments, mentoring and coaching, and formal training and development. The fifth step is monitoring succession management, whereby there are higher performers in growth, revenue, and profitability. In addition, HR metrics can help in succession management monitoring. The HR metrics play the role of increasing engagement scores and raising participation in developmental activities in the succession management process. The process is further supported by the role of employees in their participatory succession management.
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From the textbook, the HR metrics for succession management plays the greatest influential role in the succession management. These are increased engagement scores and positive perceptions of development opportunities. Besides, it entails the perceptions for high potential for succession management process, higher participation in developmental activities, and also a greater number of employees involved in the process of mentoring. However, in the article, the government of care period is regarded in many organizations as another practice framed as “check a box”, which line leaders use to do away with HR. Thus, the article demonstrates the negative attitude most leaders have on the role played by HR in the succession management as outlined in the textbook.
HR planning is critical to the automatic routine where leaders are allowed to think that they have an obligation of having people being treated as “many vicious asset”. This is because considerable time has been spent by these leaders to identify the people in their organization as high potentials, so that afterwards they could be nominated for various positions. The lag measures of HR metrics in the textbook tend to show the crucial role of promoting the interests of succession, such as increasing the number of candidates increases the percentage of managers filling key positions in accordance with replacement plans.
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From the article, the best practice is not following one in the process of succession management. For instance, Amway’s Global Succession Management Process is said to be a marker for only a certain type of people who are considered as probable replacements for specific positions. Development in a deputy formulation exercise is customarily given minimal importance, unlike what is stipulated in the textbook’s formal training and development, which is important in developing management skills and testing potential employees. In addition, high performers are also rarely valued, but nevertheless they are essential part in the success of Amway. However, the high potentials who are high performers have the ability to end up in unbroken care positions in the adult unbroken levels of leadership.
HR in any organization plays an important role in the recruitment, training, and development of employees, as well as in the succession management process. I agree that this role has not been well portrayed in the article. The role of HR is mistakenly portrayed as one that does not value the obligations required of the role towards employees. HR has to wrestle with older leaders, who have normally had a low opinion of the employees. This role is also thought to face a lot of interference from government agencies, which holds true, since they are not given the full mandate to recruit and develop employees, as well as carry out succession management without some interference. There is also interference from pivotal leaders, who cling to important positions and hence hinder the succession management process.
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HR has the mandate of ensuring that expansion in all aspects of organization is managed without partiality, that is, it should not be limited to only a few identified high potentials only and thus break down adult unbroken levels. Extension in such operations will give room for HR to implement routine business strategies. The clarity of the imbalance that may exist between high-potential and high performance in organization is truly a weapon for the proper handling of management strategies by HR. However, the importance of development to achieve these performance levels need to be emphasized so that HR may ensure that there is always a professional who can take over the position necessary (Success Factors, 2013).
The succession management process is very common in various organizations under the docket of HR. It is carried out in almost all established private and governmental institutions with the main objective of meeting various personal and management needs of the employees, such as identifying replacement needs, increasing the morale of the employees, and helping individuals realize their career plans. The article under study, based on Amway’s Succession Management Process (SMP), argues that there is developmental expansion for both internal employees, 70-85 %, as well those from outside the organization. The role of HR is, however, faced with challenges due to the presence of practice line leaders, who always want to get HR “off their backs’’ and also consider other employees as vicious assets. In the deputy formulation exercise, the obligatory personality does not necessarily have the need to develop someone to take over as the HR may require.