Free «Human Impact on the Environment and how to Improve the Existing Situation» Essay Sample


In environmental politics, the consequences of the economic activities carried out by human beings are critical issues that are analyzed to determine the extent in which any environment has been affected. This can simply be illustrated as aftermaths of a person’s act on the environment that is borne by others (Brown et al., 2010.p.16) This paper discusses the human impact on the environment and how scientific methods can be used to solve the problems.

Unintended Consequence of Humankind’s Activities that have led to Environmental Problems

Hurricane Katrina was one of the most powerful natural disasters to hit the U.S which struck on October 2005 and damaged the southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The City of New Orleans was majorly affected after the storm destroyed the cities flood protection system leaving almost 80 percent of the city flooded (Ubilla, 2007.p.3). The catastrophe led to huge loss of life and property damaged. In most cases humans are responsible for altering the geography and geological areas along New Orleans. This has brought about an imbalance of natural systems that accelerated the storm damage (Ubilla, 2007.p.3).



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Increase of greenhouse gases, ozone deflation and various aerosol particles account for over 67 percent rise of the Sea Surface Temperatures levels in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans hurricane building regions.  Hurricanes being large complex phenomena which result due to physical factors such as sea surface temperature (SST), wind speed, moisture and atmospheric stability, human influence has not only been their cause but also increased their strength in terms of speed and magnitude (Woodroffe, et al. n.d, and p.317).

How Scientific Activities Have Exacerbated the Situation?

Lack of consistent flow in the delta has resulted to constant low accumulation of underneath sediments. The rate at which the coastal areas are subsiding below the sea level is worrying clearly showing that human activities are great contributors to worst global natural disasters (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2006). The construction of levees along the river channeling water and sediments directly to the Gulf has then stopped sedimentation along the delta making it sink even below the sea level. Lots of canals being built to provide access to oil and gas wells affect the balance of vegetation that’s should stabilize wetlands. Manmade structures have contributed greatly to coastal erosion. Limiting flooding by constructing dams, building structure to hold back the sea to restrain loss of sand have negative impact to the environment (Stewart, 2005).

The construction of levees and dams along the Mississippi river has upset the condition. The delta is continuously increasing in size due to the sediments being deposited by the river. This is being cause due to a slight imbalance between the sediments deposition and sinking of the delta due to deep sediments (Stewart R, 2005). Statistics from the computerized models evidently show that hurricane regions are going to experience even wormer temperatures in the 21st century (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2006). The unavoidable sea level rise in even much longer time has also been as a result of human development activities triggering high global temperatures this has triggered the meltdown of the West Antarctica and the Greenland ice sheet, making it questionable for the viability of many costal settlements across the globe (Woodroffe, et al. n.d, p.317) .

Proper Scientific Application to Solve Environmental Problems

Costal degradation can only be reversed by applying critical scientific applications. The dredged canals, levee systems and manmade waterways that disrupt waterways and downstream sedimentation should be balanced by removing manmade structure in the areas and maintain and protect beach area vegetation. Stopgap erosion barriers are only short-term solutions and result to the major overall erosion hence should not be encouraged along the coasts (Backer, 2011).

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The only way to reduce triggering destructive catastrophes such as the Hurricane Katrina is by stabilizing the global climate to reduce the temperature rates where they develop from this will ensure that the speed is managed as well as their magnitudes (Woodroffe, et al. n.d, and p.317). The only immediate remedy we have at disposal to salvage the global warming is reducing the use of any technology that creates green house gases. This can be done by putting measures that ensure people use less energy. This can simply start from using energy saving bulbs and putting off lights in places that are not used domestically (Grabianowski & Strichland, 2011).

Alternative Solutions beyond the Scientific Methods

Development of non-fossil fuel energy sources is also important as it will earn big cuts in greenhouse gases. Use of Hydroelectric power, solar power and hydrogen driven engines are key scientific solutions to this scourge. Recycling plastic and rubber materials will also reduce the production of CO2 and preventing to burn garbage is a viable practice. Also scientific methods for freezing carbon can be helpful in the fight against greenhouse gases (Grabianowski & Strichland, 2011). The larger part of the coastal erosion problem is in the hands of government and other authorities, it is still everybody’s duty to ensure that the costal line is maintained clean. This can be through ensuring there is no dumping at the area and the vegetation is maintained to ensure a balanced ecosystem (Backer, 2011).

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The environmental changes are causing the major catastrophes on earth in which most are as a result of global warming, raising sea level and unstable degraded coastal areas. Scientific methods are encouraged in solving natural environmental challenges, but what is more important for an environmental matter is the responsibility of every human being.  


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