Free «Local ecosystem and the environment» Essay Sample

Local and surrounding ecologies and environmentsAn ecosystem is comprised of living organisms together with their surrounding environment. It consists of both the biotic and abiotic constituents. The interrelation between living organisms and their environment forms an ecosystem. The abiotic constituents found in the local ecosystem include; water, minerals, soil and other nonliving constituents such as sunlight and climate. The living part of the ecosystem is referred to as biotic. Biotic and abiotic constituents are linked together by nutrients cycling and energy flow. Sun is the main source of energy in an ecosystem (Greenberg Jonathan D, 2009). Energy is transferred through an ecosystem through food chain. Human activities such as industrialization and agricultural practices have adversely affected the ecosystem.

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The components of an ecosystem include animals, plants and microorganisms. It is also comprised of non living materials such as water, minerals, soil and rocks. Its sizes vary with its components. An ecosystem can range from a mere backyard garden to a vast land under rainforest. Animal body is sometimes considered as an ecosystem since it can support life.Specific factors that distinguish your local ecology and environmentThe specific factors that distinguish my local ecology and the environment include climate, soil, rocks, minerals, plants and animals. Climate is a vital factor in my local ecology since it determines the kind of animals and plants to be found in the ecosystem. Different animals and plants are only found in certain places in the globe defined by the climate of the place. Soil is another factor which affects the kind of plants and animals to be found in an ecosystem. Soil is an ecosystem where microorganisms live. Nutrients used by animals and plants are found in the soil (Greenberg Jonathan D, 2009). Thus the specific factors that distinguish my local ecology are climate, soil, plants and animals.

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Discuss how human activities have affected your l local ecosystemsThe local ecosystem is adversely affected by human activities. Some of the human activities tat affect the local ecosystem include agricultural practices and settlements. Human being destroys forests in order to get land to construct houses. Forest degradation affects the ecosystem. This is because some living organisms such as birds use trees as their living places. Forests also regulate the climate of a place which defines the kind of plants and animals to be found in a certain ecosystem. Forests act as carbon sinks and thus purifies the environment. Plants and animals enjoy fresh air in the presence of forests. By clearing forests, the entire ecosystem is adversely affected.Agricultural practices are another factor which influences the local ecosystem. Agricultural practices such as farming affects the environment. Human beings cut down trees in order to get space for farming. The land is left without plant cover. Nutrients are washed away since there is no cover. This affects the living organisms in that specific ecosystem since they depend on those organisms for their food. During cultivation, human beings use chemicals on the land. Fertilizers are used on crops. When chemicals are washed away in to water sources, they affect the living organisms in the nearby water masses (Compton B.Nath, 1999). Thus application of chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers has a direct consequence to the organisms living in water masses. Also application of chemicals changes the soil properties such as soil PH. This affects the organisms living in the soil. Organisms living in the soil are part of the local ecology and should not be assumed. Other human activities which have affected the local ecology include; waste disposal. There are various ways of waste disposal. Disposing waste by burying them underground is one of the ways used for waste disposal. This affects the local ecology since things such as explosives and poisonous substances buried under the soil may be hazardous. Poisonous substances buried in the oil may find their way to water masses. Waste disposal in water masses has also a magnitude consequence to the organisms living there. It is thus clear that human activities have adversely affected the local ecology.Describe the ways that global warming might affect your local ecosystems

Global warming involves the change in climate as a result of introduction of ozone gases in to the atmosphere. Ozone depletion results to climate changes. Introduction of carbon gases and other chemical substances such as sulphur affects the ozone layer. Global warming is an issue of global concern due to its impacts to the ecosystemIncrease in temperatures due to global warming affects the local ecosystems. Global warming lead to rise in water levels due to melting of ice. This has a direct consequence to the ecosystem (Kathleen E. Allen, 1998). The living organisms in the water acquirers are affected. As ice melts from the mountain, it carries sediments into the water reservoirs. This affects the water levels.Global warming also has other effects to the local ecosystem. Introduction of chemicals in to the atmosphere contributes to acidic rain. Acidic rain affects plants, animals and also infrastructure. It may result to drying up of plants and also animal death. Acidic rain is corrosive and thus corrodes buildings.In comparison to other places, my local ecosystem may experience the same impact. This is because human activities and global warming adversely affect the ecosystem across the border. In order to maintain the ecosystem, human beings should be alerted on the consequences of their activities. Improved farming practices should be put in place. Introduction of chemical substances in to the atmosphere should be minimized. This can be achieved by minimizing usage of toxic substances in the industries.


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