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Current Federal Government Programs Related to Health Informatics
The advancement in technology has brought about a number of changes in the health sector. With an increasing need to access medical information, computers are considered a good resource. The federal government offers medical information to the populace. This is usually accomplished in varied ways, through print and mail. Federal medical practitioners tackle various topics relating to the populace concerns. Some of the avenues employed include the National Institutes of Health (Anonymous, 1996). According to the “ONC-Coordinated Federal Health IT strategic plan” of 2008-2012 (2008), the government established scenery’s health informatics connection. This saw to the improvement in the competence of health care personnel. Presently, the national coordinator is responsible for managing the interoperable health information technology (Federal Health IT Strategy, 2008). The recently established Act on Recovery and Reinvestment in 2009 by the President seeks to contribute towards the advancement in the employment of technology in the health sector (Jackson, 2009). Presently, the government has established a number of programs in relation to health informatics. Among these are the Food and Drug Administration Sentinel Initiative (FDA), the Global Public Health Informatics Program (GPHIP) and the Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
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Impacts by Licensure, Certification, or Accreditation Standards
Health facilities are normally licensed, synchronized and certified by various agencies. These agencies tend to have varied jurisdictions; at times, these have common characteristics. For instance, the Licensing and Certification program is usually charged with ensuring that the identified health organizations act in accordance with the state’s set of laws. Additionally, this program also ensures that the facilities convene with the federal requirement as well as supervise the certification of the medical practitioners. The aspect of licensure and certification normally influences the three noted health informatics programs differently. First, certified medical officers evaluate the federal publications and mails to ensure that the information provided is authentic usually. This has provided medical practitioners with an avenue for interacting with the populace. This has contributed towards a widespread knowledge of medical issues. This program obligates the government to establish outlets where individuals with minimal resources can access this information. A number of organizations have come together to achieve this. The collaboration and partnering of individual organizations provides expert information, which is mostly feasible to the populace. To ensure credential information, the government has established copyrights for these sites. Laws on copyright restrict unqualified individuals from misleading the populace on the appropriate medication to use. This eventually guarantees the provision of standard information.
In ensuring that health facilities comply with the federal requirements, a number of organizations like the Central Application Unit (CAU) and Professional Certification Branch (PCB) have been established. The CAU centralizes the dispensation of facility function for licensure along with national certification. This ensures consistency in the review of these applications as well as a standardization of the health facilities. Equally, the PCB is responsible for evaluating the medical officials as well as examining allegations entailing the health officials.
The federal programs seem to have a major effect on clinical quality, reimbursement for services, and patient access to care. The Food and Drug Administration Sentinel Initiative (FDA) has established an electronic system that enables them to supervise the safety of medical campaigns and drugs. This initiative is structured to enable the clinics to access records from across the medical databases (Schneider, 2009). This initiative will ostensibly enable the FDA to identify difficult events and aid additional research. The Global Public Health Informatics Program (GPHIP) seeks to create a superior public health effect. This program is designed to advance informatics. Presently, this program conducts the National Disease Surveillance system, which has helped in gathering demographic and clinical information (Centre for Disease Control, 2011). The Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has enabled health facilities in maintaining records and patient information. Medical practitioners easily access medical data; individuals are also able to obtain medical advice.
How Each Current Program Supports the NHIN
The three federal programs support the National Health Information Network in their own respective ways. The FDA has seemingly placed requirements on pharmaceutical organizations requiring them to incorporate bar codes on their products (Anonymous, 2004). This will go to ensure that the facilities’ medical information is secured. The GPHIP seeks to advance health informatics by collaborating with different CDC organizations in various nations to develop information systems, for instance, in China where a mobile system was established to help in the distribution of medical information. This is in line with the NHIN main objective of ensuring a global access to information. Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 support the NHIN by advocating for the use of technology in medical documentation. This will improve the services provided, as well as ensure that there are no mix-ups in medications. Seemingly, in line with the government requirement, this Act has ensured that health facilities abide by the requirements set.
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Role of Health Informatics Professionals in Each Federal Government Program
Health informatics professionals play a vital role in ensuring the success of these federal programs. In the FDA initiative, the informatics professionals have helped to ease the access of patient medical records as well as reassured them of the safety of their information. Conversely, with the support of the GPHIP program, the informatics professionals have been able to extend their services. This has been attained through the global collaboration with other facilities to establish an information system. The Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has helped reduce complications and enhance medical research. Health informatics professionals are often better placed in providing medical data, which ensures that people access accurate information. They help in reducing the cases of improper medication, which has minimized medical costs. Additionally, through their adoption of technology, they contribute towards the achievement of the federal objectives. Health informatics professionals have helped enhance health care and improve service delivery.
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Impact of the Federal Government Program on Health Informatics Workforce
Alternatively, these federal government programs have also influenced the health informatics workforce. FDA program has helped in ensuring that extensive research is conducted by the health informatics before providing medical solutions. According to the Patient Safety Organizations under the FDA initiative, informatics professionals are required to analyze safety information, this helps to increase safety. The GPHIP has helped to expand the medical workforce by encouraging collaboration of global health facilities in achieving the NHIN objectives. Additionally, the Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has enabled the government to place mandatory requirements on the medical facilities that are now required to be legal and authentic. This has been achieved through the establishment of bodies like the CAU and PCB. Overall, these programs have contributed towards the improvement of medical services. Health professional are now more motivated and efficient.