Free «Health Teaching Plan» Essay Sample

The profession in which one is educated about his or her own health is known as Health Education. The areas included here are: spiritual health, emotional health, intellectual health, physical health, environmental health and social health. Those educated are taught the manner in which they should behave in terms of restoring, maintaining and promoting good health in or among themselves. A clear and precise health program should consist of well-planned learning experiences, which do help most students in acquiring their desired attitudes and practices which concur with health matters. The health issues include: selection of the health careers, environmental health, calamity awareness, life skills and substance abuse, degenerative diseases, self-image and emotional health, (Watson, 2011).

A worldwide research shows that the leading causes of disabilities and deaths are the chronic diseases. According to the World Health Organization Report of the year 2002, statistics has it that 43% of the overall disease encumber and 60% of all deaths were accounted for by disability, morbidity and transience. This was carried out on a suggestion to reduce risks and to uphold healthy life. There is an expectation that this rating will increase in the near future and most of the deaths that occur are usually in the developing nations, which are mostly curbed with chronic disease like CVD-cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and obstreperous pulmonary disease, which are closely associated with unhealthy diets, too much use of tobacco, overweight, physical inactivity, too much intake of alcohol and high blood levels of cholesterol.



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The United States uses so much in health promotion: nearly $7000 per person. This clearly explains the reasons why Americans live longer. Taking factors like inflation and new technologies into account, the number of aging Americans mainly aged 65 years and above, is going to double and this will lead to a rapid increase in health care spending.

Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases, as we have seen earlier, and there are two forms of diabetes. These are diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus. Diabetes requires a lot of physical activity and nutrition changes as part of lifestyle changes. Diabetes mellitus appears for different reasons among them being inappropriate hyperglycemia, which can be due to a combination of insulin resistance or insulin deficiency and lack of enough insulin secretion to compensate.

Some of the medications and therapies a diabetic person goes through involve blood glucose monitoring, which helps the individual make self-driven changes that will help him to improve his health. One can easily perform a self-blood glucose monitoring and will be able to determine the kind of food that their bodies are positively responding to by having post-meal and pre-meal blood glucose levels for them to make better food choices. For self-test, a patient is advised to have a device that is usually easy to carry and it is also convenient. The device is soundly chosen so as to meet a patient’ needs in collaboration with his mentor and health care facility, (Kiger, 2006).

The patients are encouraged and told no to fail in their diet, though they have to be under medication so as to help them easily manage their diabetic situation. They are also supposed to have a list that clearly shows the symptoms and signs of both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia and are properly advised on the actions to take in each of the situations. In case of minor illness, like for instance flu, the common cold and gastrointestinal virus, the patients are educated on how to manage their diabetic nature.

In the teaching plan, the patient is made aware of how to be alert to various signs like infections of the respiratory tract and urinary tract and any renal disease signs. They are also advised on how to keep watch on some of the common diabetic effects on the cardiovascular system, which are peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease stroke or cerebrovascular incidents. Diabetes has also been known as a cause of the new blindness (Gagliardi, 2007).

The patients are also advised to have high hygiene on their feet such as wiping them dry mostly between the toes, and washing them every day, and taking great care of their skin by checking for either corns, bruises, breaks any swellings, calluses and redness on the skin. In case of any of these the patient is highly advised to report to his health adviser.

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While teaching anything to do with diabetes, it is good to inform the patients to cut their carbohydrate intake and increase fiber intake. The reason is that starch is converted into fats and the fats are also converted to lipids and this will increase blood sugar levels in the body.  The teachings are mainly to help the patients manage their glucose levels and they are also informed on how to avoid or prevent the diabetes complications that tend to come up. All patients are encouraged to engage in exercises so as to burn the extra calories and burn fat which in many cases leads to high blood sugar levels. In case the patient is not aware of a certain thing or how he should go about a certain medication, he should not hesitate to consult his medical provider and they should also feel free to ask any question they may have (Kiger, 2004).


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