Free «Monroe’s Motivated Sequence» Essay Sample

Without any doubt, Monroe’s motivated sequence is a set of techniques that are used in order to organize convincing, well-developed and incentive speeches. The concept of motivated sequence was developed in the 1930th by Alan H. Monroe , a Purdue University professor. It is generally true that Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is a time-proven and persuasive method to make a well-organized and captivating presentation that catches recipients’ attention. According to this motivated sequence, there are five evident steps: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and action. The above mentioned points of motivated sequence are distinct examples of hierarchy of impact, where attention and need are the main steps.

The first step of motivated sequence is attention, which means catching up attention of audience. By employing this step, it is recommended to use: rhetorical question, quotations, humor, dramatic stories or a shocking statistics. Furthermore, it is vital to address to the audience persuasively, to demonstrate the topic clearly and to make a stunning statement. For instance, a using of shocking statistics: “Nevertheless, employers are trying to provide employees with high-qualified and safe condition; the statistics shows that 7 out of 10 workers are dangerously hurt in the workplace. It is amplified by the fact that employees ignore safe practices. I am curious how comfortable they feel in their hospitable wards or cemetery?”.



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The second step of motivated sequence is need that shows a big importance of the issue that you are talking about, its gravity with the current situation. By using this step, it is vital to convince audience that there is an alarming time to take an action. For example, everyone should be responsible for everyone’s safety and protection.

All in all, for some of people, convincing and motivated speech flows naturally. For the rest of humans, it is difficult to make a presentation and to take a floor. It is needless to say that Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is a unique method to get recipients’ attention, satisfy their needs, visualize the future and incite to actions.


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