Free «Problems Associated with Reintegration After Imprisonment» Essay Sample

Marlow, E., California University, San Francisco Nursing. (2008). The Impact Of Health Care Access On The Community Reintegration Of Male Parolees. Elizabeth Marlow.

Elizabeth Marlow in collaboration with the University of California in this article take a look on the impact health care access has on male parolees. In this article it is discussed that once male paroles are released from prison they tend to be denied the chance to access health care. Their families and they are discontinued form the health care plan by their health insurance companies.

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2008). Handbook for Prison Managers and Policy Makers on Women and Imprisonment. United Nations Publications.

Focusing on women, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime explain in this article how women are fathomed by the community once they are released back to the society. The article argues that women once they reenter the community from prison, they are faced by problems ranging from emotion distress to post-prison trauma. The cause for the problems is believed to be their families and their next of kin.



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Immarigeon, R., Maruna, S. (2004). After Crime and Punishment: Pathways to Offender Reintegration. Taylor and Francis.

Maruna and Immarigeon in this article explain the number of options offender have after they have left prison. They discuss that most of the offenders once released back to the community expect to be treated by others like normal human beings. Most do not find this to be true because the social life they left behind is never found when they get back. Efforts to blend with the rest of the society does not bare fruits in that they tend to be avoided and denied chances to turn their lives around.

Appleton, C. (2010). Life after Imprisonment. Oxford University Press.

Specifically addressing the issues of the African Americans, Appleton discusses the impact of being a Black American as being a disadvantage when one happens to interact a lot with the Whites. She explains that the issue gets worse when the individual is incarcerated and then reintegrated to the community. At times, violence against former offenders is witnessed and sometimes framed to have committed crimes. This results to difficulties of living peacefully and deprivation of peace of mind.

Iyer, N. (2009). Returning Home: resettlement and Reintegration of Detainees. DIANE Publishing.

Iyer explains that the event of returning home from prison is the happiest moment in the life of an offender. The reality after that takes the joy of freedom away because the society sees the offender as a social outcast and a criminal. Most offenders are denied job vacancies based on how they criminal records.

Muntingh, L. M. Institute for Security Studies (2001). After prison: The Case for Offender Reintegration.South Africa: Institute for Security Studies.

The Institute for Security Studies in its journal discusses the problem with people in accepting offenders back. Based on the arguments given by people, it is evident that even family member do not accept they offenders with whole heartedness. It is mostly a case of everyone on full alert upon which incidents are all directed to the offender.

Petersilia, J. (2009). When Prisoners Come Home: Parole and Prisoner Reentry. Oxford University Press.

Many are times when prisoners are released on parole to the community, as Petersilia explains in his book. Most of these offenders come home with the intension of becoming better people ion the society. Given the high level of suspicion they are given by their former friends, neighbors, and family they acquire the feeling of rejection. This landed them to trouble and they are taken back to prison

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Pasko, L., Chisney-Lind, M. (2004). Girls, women, and Crime: Selected Readings. SAGE

Pasko and Chisney-Lind in their article define the predicament girls, and women in crime face in society. According t the two, most people think that going to prison is a bad experience. However, once one is out of the prison; in a place where prison wardens are not inproximity, they find out that with a pair of prison warden eyes observing them, prison was better. This is because once out, the eye of the public is on them from all corners and chances of violent attacks are there.

Hayes, M., Boston College. (2007). TheLived Experience of Mothering After Prison. ProQuest.

Women go to prison at different stages in their lives. According to Hayes in collaboration with Boston College, it is believed that amongst the most affected lot is the one with young ones. Problem of reintegration arises when the mother is released from prison and has to meet with her children. Mostly, the young ones tend to have forgotten who their mother was and rejection is highly noted. This experience to the mother causes personality disorder and at times results to temporary insanity.

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Sung, H., Gideon, L. (2010). Rethinking Corrections: Rehabilitation, Reentry, and Reintegration. SAGE.

The government to provide reintegration program for the released offenders is the suggestion of this article. A number of problems areassociated with reintegration if no professional help is given to the released offenders. Due to the lack of healthy activity in and disengagement of the mind, majority of these offenders head back to prison.


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