Free «The Global Community» Essay Sample


Life presents us with opportunities every day. These are platforms to learn and grow. It is said that change is the only constant thing. Every day presents us something new to learn and, therefore, gives us a chance to change our lives. This can lead to change of our attitudes, behaviors, or even the way we think. It is, therefore, important to be inclined in the direction that leads to change. This will make us better human beings in the future. University is an excellent place to learn and explore the world. It is a pool of numerous talents, cultures, and people. In college, people’s lives can take totally different courses. Some people end up being what they never thought they could be in life, while for others, their life careers are redefined and shaped.

Culture: a Platform of Learning

A lot of learning takes place in college. Both academic and social learning takes place while people acquire their degrees. It is important for people to be open to opportunities to learn. The endowment of different cultures is a great resource of learning. Different people impact our lives differently. People from all walks of life in the world have different ways of doing things. Every culture presents a platform for learning. It is, therefore, important for people to acquire knowledge from these cultures and build up their own personalities. The secret behind one’s success in learning is appreciation. We can never gain from something, unless we realize its importance to us. When we welcome and appreciate various cultures on campus, they will feel accepted and comfortable. They will, therefore, be willing to share their ideas with us. In this way, they will facilitate our learning process.



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Strategies for Learning

During my life as a college student, I plan to make the best of every opportunity to learn. I plan to use all kinds of resources available in the college to learn. These resources include various cultures that are represented in the college. It will be my pleasure to get to learn different ways and approaches in life. To help me achieve this, I will draft my strategic plan and set goals and objectives to accomplish it. I want to learn at least four different languages before completing my studies.

Creative Club

I plan to join student clubs that will help me sharpen my talents. One of the clubs includes the creative club. Besides interest in my main career, I have a great interest in arts and creativity. This club will enable me to acquire knowledge on how to be creative. I want to do things differently and in a unique manner. I have a great interest in decorations and interior design. By being a member of this club, I will develop my skills and creativity.

Foreign Languages

The department of foreign languages gives a great opportunity to achieve my goal. Just as I stated earlier, I want to lean four other languages on campus. Among them are Arabic, German and French. It is a coincidence that classes of all these languages are offered by the department. In addition to taking classes, I will learn these languages by myself to ease the process. This will give me an opportunity to work in these countries after I graduate. During my learning period, I plan to participate in an exchange program in two of these countries. Knowing of these languages will facilitate my interactions with the natives of these countries.


Student leadership and campus politics are definitely of great interest for me. Everyone is a leader in his own way. I am interested in learning different leadership styles, especially in leading people with different backgrounds and identities. I, therefore, plan to exercise my abilities of leadership and learn other ways of leading.

Community Service

I plan to be involved in community service. This is one of the ways of giving back to the society. I, therefore, plan to participate actively in college initiatives to do community service. I plan to visit orphanages, hospitals, and prisons.

I am certain that by the end of period of my studies, I will be a transformed individual. I will become a global citizen to serve my country and the world at large.


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