Free «The Hospitality Industry» Essay Sample

The hospitality industry is one of the most honorable, rewarding and exiting industries in the world and it will continue to be the backbone of many economies only if its current managers maintain the integrity of the ones who have gone before them. From the hospitality industries class, I learnt that much of the staff’s work is performed in direct contact with customers and for this reason; much of the training is performed ‘on the job’ so that the experience of dealing with customers can be obtained. I leant that hospitality frequently refers to hospitality industry job for restaurants, casinos, catering, resorts, clubs and other service positions that deals with tourists. In addition, I leant that ethics education within hospitality is an important aspect. For instance, an expected outcome of hospitality management programs is to produce leaders that are highly capable of ethical decision making. From various competency models, I leant that skills, knowledge, abilities and behavior are needed to perform in a hospitality industry. Our educators consistently identified ethics as a desirable core competency for all hospitality managers and leaders. Code of ethics are developed to identify a foundation of acceptable behaviors, promote standards that guides decision making and provide a benchmark that can be used to evaluate potential decisions.



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I also leant that there has never been a more rewarding or challenging time to be a hospitality industry manager. The reward comes from knowing that effective, efficient managers can and are making a real difference in the industry. On the other hand, the challenges arise from issues that are associated with staffing hospitality operations, which present a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of competitive pressures and opportunities. No matter how one’s specific major fits into the world of hospitality, the content of hospitality industry class has all the ingredients to be the best course to be taken during the academic career because I leant that what one learns in class today, he or she can apply to his or her future career in hospitality.

As a result of taking a hospitality course, my personality and character has changed to fit well with the types of jobs available in the industry and I believe that I will get an opportunity to use my skills and abilities.


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