Free «Wearing the Guru Jacket» Essay Sample

The rule that surprises me about the “short version” of the Sikh “Code of Conduct” is the requirement that a Sikh’s daughter should enter wedlock if the other person is a Sikh. The rule creates suspense caused by the fact that it ensures that no one, who does not subscribe to Sikhism, gains access to that honored title. In addition, the rule’s inclusion in the short version of the Code of Conduct surprises because it makes the Sikh fraternity be considered as related to one another through blood ties or matrimony.

One of the meanings of the 5Ks that intrigues me regards a dagger also known as a kirpan. It intrigues me because Sikhism is a religion that is based more on peace than violence. However, from the meaning of this term and its explanation it can be deducted that Guru Gobind advocates to violence, when he asserts that the dagger should be employed in situations where diplomacy has failed. According to Chilana (2005), Guru Gobind also insists on the need for protection of the truth; and this explains why the dagger is included in the 5Ks. This is utterly absurd because diplomacy has always prevailed over violence when it comes to truth and advocating for peace.



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A question that I will pose to Guru Gobind regards the inclusion of the kirpan (dagger) in the 5Ks. I would like to pose this question to Guru Gobind because it appears controversial on the list. Despite the fact that the Guru is determinate about the use of the dagger, I want to ascertain why he as a leader advocates for violence instead of preaching peace. I also want to know if the Guru has any alternative ways of dealing with violence, because the inclusion of the kirpanin the 5ks raises several questions whether Guru Gobind is a patient man or not.


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