Free «Five Components of the Containment Model Used with Sex Offenders» Essay Sample

Five Components of the Containment Model Used with Sex Offenders

Firstly, it should be said that a sex offender or sexual abuseris a person who has committed a sex crime. It is a sexual activity that is done by using force towards someone. Nowadays, sex abuse, despite all laws and punishments, is highly widespread. Child abuse, adult abuse, raping, exhibitionism up to sexual offense, prostitution, sexual slavery do not make the full list of its types.

There are lots of associations for the treatment of sexual offenders, and there are also organizations which are aimed to help the abused ones. Researchers of the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice have found a model to protect abused victims. It’s called containment model.

They have also identified five components of that exact model:

  1. A philosophy that based on victim-centred protection, public safety, and also money support as the priority of it;
  2. Certain strategies that depend on coordination and partnerships;
  3. The control approach, based on every victim’s individualized characteristics;
  4. Certain multi-agency policies and protocols;
  5. Quality control mechanisms.

The first one component, a philosophical one, centres on the question “What’s the best for a victim and the community?” It helps sexually abused people to survive the consequences of sexual offense. After being abused, a victim may feel guilt (if raping has happened on the context of any kind of relationships, especially long-term and deep trusted), psychological shock (the result of it could affect person’s future life and can even cause the fear of simple touching), fear of betrayal etc. Implementation of victim-centred philosophy can require a great change in management values, for example, in fashion. There could be made boundaries whether and how to design certain kinds of clothes. It sounds silly but it is true. We have to remember that not all sexual offenders are criminals. Some of them are just abusers with a painful future and too much hurt in it. But it does not mean that people should be sorry for them. The main aim is to draw attention to the fact that sexual offender could be just a typical person. That is the main lack of nowadays’ protection against abusers.



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The second component is aimed at creation of certain teams that are responsible for improving collaboration between agencies; for exchanging ideas and plans. Still, the most important thing is that they contribute to the implementation of the comprehensive approach to the management of sex offenders.

The third component of the containment model is mostly based on the history of every sex offender. It’s about gaining and gathering all the information one can get about sex abuser. But that is not all. This part of containment model is very risky, because the entire offender’s history is collected while he is on probation, while the police still have not much information about abuser.

The other two components do not need to be thoroughly explained. For example, the fourth one is mostly centred on local criminal justice practitioners and public policy, which is provided by them. Agreements, protocols, entire information, failures, and progresses are all controlled and defined by management authority. The fifth component of the model, quality control, is pretty similar to the previous one. It includes criminal justice officers, treatment providers, and other authorities that are to provide public safety. Quality control is a basic management program. As the sexual offenders’ cases are very difficult to manage and mostly are highly manipulated, exactly containment professionals could deal with them.

After all, the containment model helps to provide public safety and sex offended people’s protection nowadays.

Our world is very cruel and we have to learn how to live in it. If it happenes to somebody to be sexually offended, they should not take the blame upon themselves, for it is not their fault and it happened not because they are bad They also should not deal with this problem alone but talk about it, even if the offender threatened them. Such people should not forget that there are always people who would listen and help.


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