Free «Legal Firms» Essay Sample


Law firms have one common challenge and that is to have more clients and these two legal firms (Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr and Slaughter and May) are not exempted either. This situation creates a competitive environment, where the firms try to attract high caliber and talented in the legal experts. In their deferent countries, these firms are competing for high caliber assignments which are themselves challenges (Sturdy, A. et al 2009). Such challenges forces the management of a firm to come up with a policy which has dire effects on the management and the decision making process of the firm.

Though Slaughters is a well established firm, having been formed in the year 1889, the firm is facing a lot of competition due to its policy of corporate legal advice. Competition has been very stiff thus causing panic to the management of the firm (Landsburg, 2001). This is similar to Wilmer, since Wilmer is facing bigger competitors who have sprung in the U.S such as Baker and McKenzie. This competition challenge has forced Slaughters to seek help in management consulting firms.



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Although the two n legal firms have some similarities they have their differences too. For instance the codes of conduct in Wilmer are guarded by the state legislatures while in Slaughters, such professional conducts are guarded by the legislation from the House of Commons. Furthermore, lawyers who work for Wilmer are licensed to practice in a state by regulatory body known as a state bar association, while Slaughters law firm and its lawyers are guarded by Britain’s legal services Act.


To sum it all, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr and Slaughter and May face similar problems regarding political, ethical and environmental issues. For instance Slaughter and May has had interference from city mayors hence hampering the decision making process (Boulle, 2005). This is evident in real estate case (124 Con LR); the decision was interfered with, whereby sub-contractors flooded the Slaughters offices. Such scenarios are also present in Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr firm. It is therefore important for firms to play an independent role, so that they can steer the society in the appropriate direction. Though the running of these organizations seems to be independent, they tend to be affected by the legal environment surrounding them. For example they are affected by the laws being made by parliament or the House of Commons.


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