Free «Interview for Nurses» Essay Sample

Interview Form

Candidate name: ________________________________________

Candidate ID number: ____________________________________

Name and title of the interviewee: _____________________________

 Describe the specialty area of the interviewee: clinical administrator

The interviewee belongs to the following category: Administrator

Nurse Researcher Date of interview: February 21st, 2013

In person: _____________________________________________

Via phone: _____________________________________________

How would you describe your role in your current position and your educational preparation for this role?

My job is to ensure that the daily operations which routinely occur in a medical clinic are proceeding as expected. I also oversee patient relations, the faculty’s fiscal management and personnel administration. In addition, I am relied upon by my staff for guidance and also for the professional. Finally, it is my responsibility to ensure the clinic runs profitably. To qualify for this job, I took a bachelor’s degree for clinical administration and a master in business administration. 



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How would you explain the unique contributions you as a nurse bring to an interdisciplinary team?

That mainly involves coordinating implementation of the strategies and recommendations which will establish new programs with an aim of improving the services which are offered currently offered by the staff.

3. How would you describe the unique role of your specialty in promoting quality outcomes for patients?

My unique role would be to initiate better administrative practices such as assigning staff hours to different subunits in the facility in order to increase the nurses’ ‘dose’ quantity of time as well as the quality care of nurses.

4. How has nursing research improved or changed a particular aspect of patient care in your specialty area?

Putting in place a better queuing system that will that will enhance faster and efficient care of both inpatients and out patients.

5. How do you facilitate patient-centered care in your practice?

This is an important aspect of patient care. This is done by treating all patients with dignity and respect through supportive work environment for caregivers and nurses.

6. How is cost containment addressed in your specialty area?

In our clinic, we control costs by proper monitoring supplies and requisition records as well as encouraging accountability of on all expenditures. 

7. How has your specialty area addressed the needs of underserved patients and populations?

All patients are literary undeserved. We provide mechanisms that will increase their accessibility such as mobile clinics, home clinics and incorporation of St John’s Ambulance.

8. How does information technology apply to your specialty area?

We have been able to effectively adopt to use electronic medical record system since 2004. On regular basis, we pull registries so as monitor chronic conditions such as diabetes.

Interview Form

Candidate name: ________________________________________

Candidate ID number: ____________________________________

Name and title of the interviewee: _____________________________

 Describe the specialty area of the interviewee:  chief nursing officer

The interviewee belongs to the following category: Administrator

Nurse Researcher Date of interview: February 21st, 2013

In person: _____________________________________________

 Via phone: _____________________________________________

How would you describe your role in your current position and your educational preparation for this role?

It is my responsibility to ensure that all the specified standards and also to check consistency in the nursing practice. Aiming to qualify for this position, I earned a Masters Degree in Nursing from Massachusetts after which I got registered and licensed as a practicing nurse in the U.S.A. In addition I thought it was necessary to pursue a bachelor’s degree in hospital administration which is also one of the major requirements for this position. 

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How would you explain the unique contributions you as a nurse bring to an interdisciplinary team?

The contributions will involve there is extensive training for the nursing staff to be able to serve any complex population. I also ensure educational monthly requirements are completed by the nursing team so as to remain current I their practices care needs of the patients

How would you describe the unique role of your specialty in promoting quality outcomes for patients?

Through my expertise, I regard supportive leadership which triggers a philosophy of quality as everyone’s accountability, responsibility and an effective feedback. This would ensure successful staff engagements which are pivotal to improved care of hospitalized patients and quality (Draper, n.d.).

How has nursing research improved or changed a particular aspect of patient care in your specialty area?

I have been studying many researches on chronic conditions are well addressed by self-management. Nurses have done many researches on this area.

How do you facilitate patient-centered care in your practice?

I always employ motivational techniques in interviewing to bring about behavior change. This is based on patient’s educational level and understanding.

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How is cost containment addressed in your specialty area?

I guess my specialty engages directly on cost control but our containment is limited to avoiding waste of weekly requisition.

How has your specialty area addressed the needs of underserved patients and populations?

Take note that all patients are underserved. Both groups require mainly education, resources, using internet and making phone calls when finding workaround which is less expensive.

How does information technology apply to your specialty area?

Our clinic is one of the earliest to health care institutions to implement Health Information Technology which is important in ensuring improvement of the overall efficiency, quality and safety of healthy delivery system

C. Compare the two specialties based on your interview results for each question in the interview.

Both specialties play an important role of meeting the core needs of patients, staff efficiency and professionalism. However, they differ on the specific role provision and qualifications. 

D. Reflect on your findings for each question asked in the two interviews and how the findings contribute to your own professional development (suggested length of 1 page).

The answers given in the first interview, the clinical administrator has duty of reaching out to the underserved patients and populations .This office mainly focus on the quality, efficiency, research training of the staff. It also has to ensure that the office has the all the requirements of daily running of the clinic such as electronic medical service system.

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On the other hand, the second interview findings show that the chief nursing officer is required to monitor the services provided to the clients. Also, it is the person in this position facilitates the patient-centered care system through to ensure to the patients with an aim of achieving a specific outcome. However, both of them employ technology in the effective delivery of their services but the most applicable one is chosen. The clinical administrator will take the technology that will make it easy for the staff to work, while that employed by the chief nursing officer focuses on the delivery to the patients. They also differ in the manner of dealing with the underserved since the clinical administrator will identify them and come up with strategies of reaching them, while the chief nursing officer will identify the best way to attend to their actual needs.  Although both are effective interdisciplinary team, each brings a differently since the administrator will focus on strategies while the chief nurse will focus on the training of the staff to meet their requirements. The chief nursing officer has the responsibility of motivating both the staff and the clients while the clinical administrator normally does not directly involve himself with this mode of service delivery.


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