Free «Juvenile Diabetes» Essay Sample

To begin with, Juvenile Diabetes is another name for Type I diabetes mellitus which is common among children. In essence, Type I diabetes can be defined as insulin-dependent meaning that treatment with insulin is necessary from the time the disease is first diagnosed. In type I diabetes, the insulin producing cells of the pancreas are destroyed through a process known as autoimmunity. This is the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cell. This is to mean that it is a process through which the body’s cells attack each other. In this connection, this leads to a total loss of insulin production (Hanas, 2006).

Along with this, absence of insulin makes glucose levels to increase particularly after meals. Eventually, the glucose is passed out of the body in the urine. The occurrence of the process of the destruction of the autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells occurs in genetically susceptible subjects. Arguably, juvenile diabetes may be inherited and as such it runs in families (Glaser, 2006). Along with this, it is presumed to be triggered by one or more environmental agents. As a matter of fact, when blood sugar or glucose level increases, the pancreas has to make insulin. There are several symptoms as well as signs that define juvenile diabetes. They involve symptoms like frequent urination, more thirsty than usual, loss of weight even when feeding well, blurred vision and experiencing of hunger most of time and tiredness accordingly.



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Since the main cause of juvenile diabetes is the autoimmune reaction of which it is a process that results from the body attacking and destroying its cells in the pancreas, several explanations have been proposed explaining what triggers the reaction. As such, some have proposed infection with specific virus or bacteria. In the same line of thought, others have proposed the cause to be food-borne chemical toxins (Hanas, 2006). Others have in addition proposed a young infant’s exposure to cow’s milk to be the cause. Nonetheless, these propositions have not been scientifically proved to be the real triggers. The case of diabetes Hannah a 10-year-old girl who has recently been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus can be attributed to the causes given. She is a 4th grade student at Hendricks Elementary School and as highlighted, prior to her diagnosis, Hannah was very involved in sports and played on the girl’s volleyball team.

As the case is presented, Hannah’s mother is worried over this condition owing to its effects and the effect to other body parts. Uncontrolled diabetes in this case for a long time may lead to destruction of the child’s nerves, veins and arteries. In this context, this may lead to the damage of both feet and legs. Moreover, the build up of glucose in a child’s body may lead to a damage of a child’s organs. At the same time, the child’s eyes, kidneys and the heart may in the long run be affected (Glaser, 2006).

Arguably, there are several methods of controlling juvenile diabetes that have been developed by scientists over time. Diet has in particular been cited as one of the best methods of controlling diabetes mellitus type I. In this sense, it is advisable to keep a track of the amount of carbohydrate that is given to the child (Poretsky, 2008). A one time consumption of too much carbohydrate can be a main cause to a rise in sugar levels of a child. This is to suggest that food meant for a child with Juvenile Diabetes should have low fat, saturated fat and cholesterol.

Accordingly, such a child should not be allowed to skip meals but instead, the child should feed healthily. Furthermore, regulation of the child’s weight through exercise can also help to change the amount of insulin the child’s body need (Hanas, 2006). In regard to Hannah’s case, she has been presented as to have been very involved in sports and played on the girl’s volleyball team. This is to suggest that she did enough exercise to cut on her body weight. Nevertheless, it is important to take note of the fact that the there are very many factors that contribute to Juvenile Diabetes.

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In line with this, the mother may complain based on the fact that Hannah does enough exercise. Nonetheless, of important to note is that the child may be having an unhealthy feeding habits involving high intakes of carbohydrates in sweets, soda and other related fast food rich in fat (Glaser, 2006). Although Hannah’s mother is affected by the way Hannah will deal with the effect of the diagnosis, the best way to approach the issue would be seeking for diabetes nurse or dietitian on the best practices to adapt. This is to suggest the best feeding habits as well as practices that can help to prolong the life of Hannah. Though it would be hard for Hannah to associate with friends while she has to take insulin, test her blood, and follow a meal plan, in this she can be helped by the caregiver and joining of a support group of people with Type I diabetes.


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