Infectious diseases are normally caused either by bacteria, viruses, or other organisms that enter our body through various modes. Due to this, infectious diseases are often easily transmitted or passed from one person to another of which it is relatively easy to see a widespread outbreak of a certain illness within a single community (McDonald & Robinson, 2012). Therefore, ranging from smallpox, polio, rabies, bird flu, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, superbugs, malaria to necrotizing fasciitis, protecting ourselves and others at home, workplace, and public places is essential. In this respect, this paper list 20 preventive measures that an individual can take in reducing chances of contracting an infectious diseases.
While at home, parents should ensure that all the family members practice good health habits on daily basis in order to be protected from contagious illnesses by limiting the spread of potential germs. People should therefore, avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth as this are areas that can allow the intrusion of infectious disease to the body thereby affecting others. Other specific measures include;
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- Keep yourself up to date with all immunization such as having the current influenza vaccines to avoid being infected by the virus.
- Eat a well balanced diet in order to keep your body and immune system strong in fighting bacteria and virus that might be available.
- Maintain your body through daily exercise.
- Ensure that you get sufficient sleep in order to make your body fit in fighting potential infectious diseases.
- Incase you notice any symptom of any illness arising while at home; do stay there to prevent germs from spreading.
- Seek infectious diseases treatment if you believe the illness is severe enough to warrant medical attention.
- Stick to respiratory and cough etiquette such as wearing facemask especially in areas such as public toilets and air ports to avoid infection.
- Minimize visit to friends or public places such as hospitals where such care for mild respiratory diseases is conducted.
- Dispose of contaminated items adequately in the waste receptive containers either at home, workplace, or public places.
- Ensure that you only visit public places where there are triage stations that facilitate rapid screen of people for any symptom.
- Wear gloves when handling potentially infectious materials. Moreover, do not wash gloves purposely for reuse as they can contact some germs in process of washing.
- Ensure that you drink good (purified) water or boiled water and most importantly avoid using bottled water when visiting endemic areas such as hospitals.
- Adhered to good food safety method by only taking foods that are rightfully cooked or cleansed with water which has been boiled in order to avoid infection.
- Make sure you clean surfaces and object either at home or at workplaces to avoid germs intrusion.
- Avoid direct body fluid contact especially during sexual intercourse or breastfeeding to avoid the spread of virus from one person to another.
- Limit indirect contact such as use of needle stick or sharing of needles with others as it can lead to transmission of infectious diseases incase one of the sharing parties in already infected.
- Incase you have draining wounds; keep them covered with dressing in order not to expose the same germs to others.
- While at work, avoid being exposed to chemicals that acts as infectious agents such as suprarenal pathologies that can lead to infection and re-infection.
- Ensure that you and you family sleep under treated nets to avoid malaria infection.
- Make sure you do not report to work if you show symptoms any disease or if at work report the same to the supervisor to ensure that infection control in taken. This is to avoid transmission of the same infectious disease to others.
In conclusion, infectious diseases are potentially harmful to human and can only be avoided through personal safety measures taken by each individual. It is therefore, imperative that each and every person adhere to good and effective hygiene and habits that prevent infection and transmission of such diseases.