Free «Too Bad To Be True» Essay Sample

This is a narration of what happened to me or rather to my tour guide in Kenya where I had travelled to have a nice time. It was a clever joke that I had formulated and played it on my tour guide but later it turned out to be the source of deep resentment. I never imagined in any way that the joke could eventually lead him to losing one million Kenyan shillings which is approximately 13 thousand US dollars.

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I have always wanted to travel to one of the equatorial countries just to enjoy the sun rays by the beach and the see the lions of Africa which are famed to be so strong that they could lift a full grown cow with one paw and through it over a fence. I wish I could witness this happening but I was told that this happens where cattle keepers live near these beasts. I was told that it only happens at night when the lions go to steal the cows from where the keepers keep them. I did not get a chance to visit these cattle keepers and see the kind of place that they live but with my tour guide I happened to visit one national park. I could not believe it and I suggest that this animal called lion should get a different name: a name that can reflect its size. I could not believe I was not able to hold its gaze as I had to drop mine; it is intimidating! Were it not for my tour guide I could have frozen. What shocked me was what my tour guide told me, "these are just kept in the cage for people to view, they are friendly and have gotten used to seeing people - the real ones are out there in the jungle." Now, this to me was more scaring than all the 'saw' series I have ever watched. I was not in any ready to invite any perennial nightmares to my sleeps ands so I decided to change my visits from animals visiting different places.

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I was putting up in one of the local hotels in country and everyday in the morning I could call my tour guide to pick me up for the day's rounds. A local mobile network operator company at that time was running a kind of a reward/competition for its subscribers. If a subscriber happened to win they could call you with a specific number (0717333333) and inform you that you have won one million Kenyan shillings. One of the days we were with my guide I borrowed his mobile phone and secretly saved my name in form of a number (0717333333). That meant that in case he wanted to reach me he could not find my name on his phone but if I called him instead of my name appearing that number would appear. Another advantage I had was that his phone displayed the caller's name without the number. The following morning I called him and over the phone he sounded very excited.I had forgotten what I had done the previous day and I told him it was me and he should come over and pick me for the day's activities. Exactly after five minutes somebody knocked on the door and I went to check out. It was him but he looked a bit puzzled. I asked him what was wrong and he inquired to know why I had called him two times after the initial call. But I told him I did not call him. This even made him more confused. He showed me his phone and I saw there were two missed calls. On careful observation I realized what I had never anticipated. It was too bad I could not believe that he had just refused to pick a call which could have made him one million shillings richer. It was too bad for me, too bad to be true.


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