Free «The Effect of a Parent, Teacher, and Friend on Your Life» Essay Sample

Many individuals, such as parents, teachers, and friends, have a significant effect on lives of individuals. They play a vital role in the life of every person, but amid them, parents have the most imperative effect on our future. Throughout childhood, children do not face predicaments and parents teach them how to overcome problems. Parents keep us away from danger and warn us. Besides, they hold up their children with no anticipation of something in return. I cannot picture my life without the help of my parents. I remember that when I was child, I had a brawl with my pal, and my father made me say sorry to him. That incident has an influence on the way I behave myself now. I have learned how to apologize and forgive without difficulty. My parents have taught me that nothing is more vital than love (Stephanie, 2010).

Parents need to know how to converse with their children. Their kids must have belief in them and this is impossible without a gracious relationship. Parents ought to share their consideration with their family and let them make a decision when they have problems. I always share my troubles with my parents, and their knowledge helps me resolve my problems in the best way.



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In addition, one of the most significant ages of any individual is teenage years. During this period of life, teens need more help than at any other age. Parents ought to know their friends, be aware about their relationship, and manage their conduct as much as possible.

I believe that my character has been more affected by my parents as compared to any other person. Although teachers have influenced me, their influence cannot precede the influence of my parents. A teacher can merely influence a child each year. I imply that each year a new educator comes into the life of a child as he progresses to the next stage of his studies. In contrast, a child lives with his parents every day (Road Untraveled, 2012). Provided that the child goes to school every day, from Monday to Friday, the child still spends more time with his parents. As a result, the parents have more influence. However, I believe that teachers also affect the behavior of the child.

I strongly believe that parents, friends, and teachers have great effect on a person’s life. Parents teach us right from wrong. They influence us by teaching us how to do things, such as cleaning, cooking, brushing teeth, and many more. This affects us a lot in our self-esteem.Our parents have the responsibility to take good care of us in our home. Parents are also the ones who have the obligations to guide us on the path to our future. Teachers, on the other hand, are the ones who play the role of our parents in our learning institutions. They are helping us find out our individual aptitudes. Our friends help us in dealing with our problems that we cannot work out alone and help us when we need something.

Our parents influenced us by teaching us how to understand the world in our early years and later teach us to distinguish between right and wrong. The impact of teachers influences the way I think and that I should begin to believe my individual calling rather than just listening to whatever my parents utter. Teachers influence our lives by presenting a different approach to thinking and performing things. They help us to choose what we desire to be. Through experience, friends affect your life a lot.

Parents, educators, and friends have made us into what we are at present. They have contributed to what I know now, and influenced me about the things I like and those that I do not like. These individuals can significantly transform our entire life because we really trust them. Whenever I have a difficulty, I turn to them and solicit their guidance, which can potentially transform my entire life.

Friends also play an important role in building our character. Friends, unlike parents and teachers, can influence us either positively or negatively. It is believed that bad friends ruin good character. In my early years, my parents taught me to stay close to friends who have good character, for example, those who do not lie, steal, fight or do anything wrong. At first, I could not actually comprehend the idea behind it until when I was a teen. I remembered the teaching and guidance I was given by my parents, and it really helped me.

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I used to believe that if I have friends with bad conduct I would just remain friends with them so long as I do not follow their character. However, I came to understand that their behaviors have influence in my conduct and character.

In conclusion, many people influenced the life of every individual but amid them the roles of teachers and parents are more important than others. They teach children how to live and overcome problems. Like every relationship, the relationship between a parent and a teacher is dynamic and has influence on a child. What an individual does affects the other person, but the child is the most impacted person in this case. What teachers and parents need to comprehend is that academic success is related to many aspects of life: the need to learn, the self-perception of the child, and the aptitude of teacher and parents to hold him in a manner that identifies the needs and interests of the child and inspires him from within (Parenting Child Development, n.d.).


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