Political leadership is vested in the hands of the electorate. It is with no doubt that, the peoples say would determine the kind of leaders they want to lead them. Democracy in a nation is exhibited by the capability of the citizens to express their views with retrospective of self justification of their minds. A nation is able to set up correct ideologies that forecast the challenges and, solutions that may be encountered. Argentina is with no doubt, a nation that its citizen had realized the incumbent need to oust the selfless leaders, who only thought of themselves s(Levitsky, 2). How could it be in a span of ten days, two leaders are eliminated from their positions? It is indeed these unveiling issues that make this paper to compare the administration of the two Argentina leaders namely Nestor Kirchner and Cristina Fernadezde Kirchner.
Firstly, Nestor had some strategic approach towards boosting the economy of Argentina. The tactic of embracing an export orientated growth that focuses on competitive exchange rates with high prices in the commodity. This saw the economy escalating by a margin of about 9% from the year 2003 -2007. A booming economy has a positive impact to its citizens as their living standards increased immensely. This condition makes the citizens capable of purchasing their needs. It led to an increase in 52% in the rate of private consumption within the nation. Nesters approach also ensured that the rate of unemployment among the citizens is actually halved to about 20% whereas; the poverty level was reduced from 50% - 27%.
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Consequently Nester who was a Peronist front liner is seen to employ a heterodox policy which ensures that the conservation of the fiscal policy. This is stipulated in the way Nestor had a stringent stand in the manner in which negotiations are carried out. This led to a debt switch which immensely made the fiscal situation to look better. Moreover, Nester approached the pledges of the workers by formulating new policies that encouraged the formation of unions and do away with the long trend of wage depressing plans (Levitsky, 6). This approach was to ensure the workers champion for an increase in their rights as it is their democratic right for equal rights. He also enhanced tougher regulation on labor policies to ensure egalitarianism is exhibited .His championing saw an increase in wages of about seventy percent to the workers.
In addition, the societal aspect in life is an important aspect in the livelihood of the citizens. The administration of Nester monitored the social security of the employees. This gave an opportunity to the unemployed and the informal sector of which they had a chance to know their rights and obligations. As a sign of good show, approximately one million people were brought to the system and could be able to realize their potential. Due to public stability, there was an increase in the investment done on public sector. These included better housing and infrastructure. These investments led to generation of finances that could boost the scholarly work and research work. The public expenditure on this sectors rose by about thirty percent.
Nesters approach on zero tolerance on corruption is exhibited when he does an overhaul in the judicial system. Changes were made in the Supreme Court in which six members resigned their position and their positions taken over by competent jurist. In promoting fairness, he championed the annulment of the law that protected those who were in authority and committed offences such as human right violence and thought could go scot free. Nester is seen to have a principle of equity in the share of the nation cake. This is manifested when he ensures there are more sources of revenue for the provinces. The taxes collected are summed up and, both the federal and the provincial government share the proceeds accordingly.
Nester is seen to keep the political stability by ensuring the executive powers are concentrated. This is exhibited when Nester backs a governor from Missions namely Carlos Rovira to exonerate the constitution that allows the unlimited reactions(Levitsky, 11). Nester tries to eliminate the act of centralism and autocracy in the system of leadership. Despite the weak nature of opposition during Nester's reign, the opposition forefronts are given their freedom to express their grievances and monitor the performance of the government. He attributes the freedom of speech in which every citizen is entitled to express the thought of mind. In Nester's administration, he is seen to focus on diplomatic approach in negotiations with foreign countries (Levitsky, 14). This is exhibited in the warm relationship that it had with foreign countries such as Venezuela. It also complied with financial obligations that were able to clear of their debt.
On the other hand Cristina Kirchner, who apparently was the wife of Nestor Kirchner, had almost the same principle of administration as that of Nester, with a slightly different approach in her mode of administration. Cristina championed for equilibrium between the demands of the public and their human rights. The economic policies that she uses are those inherited from the former president on which tends to employ the use price control and to measure the shenanigans in order to facilitate favorable conditions. She is seen to employ a foreign policy in which democratic civilization is emphasized. On economic policy most of nesters fiscal tactics are still employed to cut down on expenditure and reduce the national debt.
Cristina focuses on social policy with an ideology in the power of mind in which the ideas generated by the society and the civil societies. The civic organizations in cooperation with the media organizations serves as the watch dogs in ensuring transparency and accountability are met by various arms of the government. Both Nestor and Cristina have had a shared responsibility with their governors. They have to work in collaboration to ensure the common goal is attained even towards the administration in the provinces. The social welfare is dealt with when she advocates for equal distribution of wealth and an income which is equal to both individuals.
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In conclusion it is the responsibility of every leader to ensure democracy prevails and peoples' voices are heard. The leaders champion for better living standards among the citizens in which it boosts the economy of a given nation. As seen from the discussion these two leaders have tried to embrace better leadership among the citizens and expand the economy to ensure the country attains self sustainability.