Free «How did Reagan portray the Sandinistas» Essay Sample

Reagan portrayed Sandinistas as a group of communists who ruled Nicaragua and were highly attached to Cuban President Fidel Castro for about 25 years back. He portrays it as an evil, terror group. They attempted to topple Nicaragua’s Somoza regime in 1978, but failed. Sandinistas formed an alliance with an opposition to the regime of Somoza, acting as fighters for political democracy. After their return to Nicaragua, Somoza left. As Sandinistas came to power, negotiations followed shortly. Their rule was virtually based on power-sharing between the genuine democrats and communists. However, many fighters have not received any positions in the new government which led to the outbreak of aggression and terrorism after power transition. They started to cooperate with Soviet Union and Cuba and set up training camps for guerrillas from El Salvador in order to attack the government. These men fought against Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.

What other communist regimes did he identify as linked to the Sandinistas?

Ronald Reagan considered communist regimes of Cuba and Soviet Union to be closely linked to Sandinistas. These regimes supported Sandinistas in their expression of aggression and terrorism against Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.



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How did he portray the Contras?

Reagan portrayed Contras as freedom fighters who were worth of government’s support. He argued that they were initially Sandinistas when they were fighting for democracy, but later turned against the terrorist group.

2. How did Reagan portray U.S. involvement in Nicaragua, and in Central America?

Reagan portrayed U.S. involvement in Nicaragua as a genuine support for democracy, economic growth, and human rights that preserved peace in America. Reagan said that the US involvement in Nicaragua and Central America was a crucial operation that showed the world American negative attitude toward all hostile communist regimes in South, North, and Central America. Moreover, he emphasized that Americans should be proud of what U.S.A. was doing to solve the problem in Central America.


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