Free «The Compromising of America: An American Tragedy» Essay Sample

Chick-fil-A is facing issues in commencing its second branch in Chicago as its president passed remarks against gay marriages not liked by the city mayor. According to the mayor, company has been charged of confining the word marriage to its traditional meaning.

These remarks and attempts by Chicago mayor has not been welcomed by everyone among which includes some legal scholars.

Adam Schwartz, senior attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois stated that government has no right to punish or charge anyone for their remarks. ACLU supports same sex marriages but the attorney has neutral opinion and urges the right of expression by saying that if someone can be accused of denouncing gay marriages then others proclaiming it should be treated the same. Therefore Chick-fil-A should not be restricted upon their expression of dislike(Louis E. Boone).

The attempt of punishing the restaurant chain was condemned by another Professor at George Washington University Law School; Jonathan Turley and said that such attempts would form a long list of accused companies. This was second by Wilson Huhn, associate director at Constitutional Law Center at The University of Akron School of Law. Huhn said that if action is taken against the restaurant it would clearly be view point discrimination.



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After the statement by city mayor Rahm Emanuel, the owner of Chick-fil-A which helped in producing 97 jobs last invited Emanuel to a meeting (Louis, Boone, David, Kurtz, 2011). According to one of mayor spokesmen even though restaurant would be allowed to open another branch after meeting all the necessary criteria but the remarks are not reflective of the values that city of Chicago own(Scott A. Quatro).

Restaurant management declined any meetings and so as the mayor initially. However on media extensive questioning he refused to reinstate his remarks and said that restaurant should focus on his core competency(Kossovsky).

Boston mayor Thomas Menino also backed away from his previous statement over blocking the chain for entering in their city over such remarks (Louis, Boone, David, Kurtz, 2011). Initially he threatened the company to be forbidden by saying that they would not be allowed to acquire the license.

The one who strongly condemned Cathy’s remarks without involving company’s operations was Philadelphia City Councilman James Kenney. He said that his intolerant remarks have no place in our city which if full of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection (Louis, Boone, David, Kurtz, 2011).

Although at the city municipal level Cathy’s remarks have been very much criticized but amongst the public but the poll conducted by USA Today/Gallup showed that only 50% are approving gay marriages and 48% condemning (Louis, Boone, David, Kurtz, 2011). Now even President Obama is in favor of same sex marriages and has declined his former opinion in order to maintain his evolving position(Neal).

Billy Graham a renowned Evangelist backed Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A restaurant in open words. He stated that Chick-fil-A has maintained their family and business value for decades and have never compromised. For Cathy’s statement in support of traditional marriages as defined by God, Billy wants be their loyal customer and plans to visit their restaurant more often (Louis, Boone, David, Kurtz, 2011).


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