Free «Negotiation Process» Essay Sample


Negotiation is basically a process, by which parties or people settle differences through dialogue and, afterwards, reach to an agreement or compromise, while avoiding quarrels. This discourse is intended to bargain for collective advantage, to come up with solutions, which would satisfy the various parties involved and their respective interests, or even to resolve a point of difference. In any sort of a disagreement, be it between individuals or organizations, the persons involved always seek to attain the best probable result for their interests and positions (The Negotiation Process (n.p.)). Nevertheless, in all negotiation processes, the principles of equality, in quest of mutual advantage, as well as maintaining a cordial relationship, are the vital aspects to a triumphant outcome. There are numerous situations, where particular forms of negotiation are required, and these instances include domestic relationships, industrial disputes, government, the legal system, or even on the international affairs platforms. 



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A year ago a friend recommended me for a job in the electronics manufacturing center; I really appreciated the opportunity of working in quite a prestigious position of the company’s production assistant and getting paid $ 1,200. The amount was reasonable for me, since I had little work experience and I was still a student continuing with my degree program. After five months in the company employees started complaining about the low rates of wages, and at that time the workers’ union representative came to enlighten us on the recommended wages rates.

Thereafter all the workers demanded for a pay rise, and that’s when the salary increase negotiations started. My position on the issue stood on a wage increase to $ 2,000, since my superiors were also demanding for a large amount of pay rise. My major interests were that of obtaining the new opportunities, security, status, and also personal needs that would be covered by the new salary.

The company negotiators proposed to give me $ 1,500 pay rise coupled with other allowances and benefits of traveling and entertainment allowances, but I turned the deal down, as I entirely wanted the full $ 2,000 pay rise. The process went over for close to 2 weeks and the company was becoming impatient with my stubbornness, whereby it became unpleasant to the point that the company wanted to terminate my job. I had to plead with them and to my dismay they imposed a rise to $ 1,350 salary devoid of several benefits and allowances they ought to award me. The negotiation process went sour, as I had to take the deal or lose my job, even though afterwards, I launched a complaint with the relevant labor organization.

The negotiation was a failed one, since my demands weren’t met as I had expected, but afterwards I came to realize that the blame was all on my side due to the lack of negotiation skills, which I could have applied during the company’s negotiation process. I barely had done research on the pay rise issue and also I had not undergone prior preparation, so as to know the possibilities surrounding the negotiation deal, and this highly cost me the entire deal. Moreover, I let my position on the matter drive out interests in that apart from my stand of demanding for a $ 2,000 pay rise, I also had interests of acquiring experience and obtaining the new opportunities due to exposure at work. However, my stand carried the day as I only wanted the salary I had quoted and couldn’t accept less.

If I were awarded a second chance to negotiate, I would definitely not let money bulldoze my other interests, since I had experienced how my stand had driven potentially mutual pact into an adversary one. I would dwell on majorly the non-monetary factors, like instance ensuring that the deal process is perceived fair, straightforward and respectful, clicking working relations with other parties involved, and also looking on the experience, which I would acquire in the company (James pg 89).

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Moreover, I would try to understand and address the pay rise from the other side’s perspective. The company also requires funds, so as to run its operations, and revenues attained from productions are the ones used to pay our wages; therefore, I would bear in mind that it’s also difficult for the company to append to high salary demands. Also, in order to achieve trust from my employer, I would express compassion and compliment them for allowing me work for their company. This helps in creating trust between the partners involved, and the deal is likely to take a good turn (James pg 88).

In experience one undergoes there has to be lessons learnt, and that’s why in this case I learnt a lot from the salary raise negotiations I participated in. In essence, many employees are afraid of asking salary increments from their employers, which makes them to work while underpaid. For that reason I had to launch the issue of wage raise, since as I had been informed by the relevant workers’ union, my salary was not enough as compared to the responsibilities the company had bestowed on me.

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In the process of wages negotiation I went through, I learnt the several aspects one has to take into consideration and implement before and even during the dialogue process. First and foremost, one has to know his/her environment, for instance, the salary negotiations affect quite a variety of people and also the external and internal situation in the company. Some of the factors, which can hinder the process of salary negotiations, include the company’s performance expectations and future goals, the performance of the company in the recent years, the exact state of the company and also the rate of demand of its services and goods in the market, the unemployment rate, as well as the current situation of the economy (Jeanne, Ray, and Kristin (pg 5)).

Before launching a salary raise case, one has to create their own case, which would assist in proving whether he/she deserves this increase or not. Therefore, in the case tabled down, one has to make it clear, so that it demonstrates that he/she really deserves to be awarded the salary demanded. As a result, one has to gather quite a great compact of information, even if it’s in data form, and it should be based on facts and figures, and shouldn’t be subjective, hearsay or opinion-based. Some of the information that ought to be in that case includes: any credentials one has gained while working for the company, experiences gained, problems one has solved, the entire earnings one made for the corporation, responsibilities one has handled while in the company, all the expectations one has exceeded and also the goals one has met (Trikha (n.p.)).

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Also another concept I learnt with regard to launching salary negotiations is that one has to time the period right. Particular times are better than others, where for instance, one has to time such that the wages dialogue occurs immediately after a successful completion of the specific project, and in such a situation the employer will be more than happy to listen to your demands. Also, one has to approach salary increment issues during the times or rather days, when the boss is less strained, and in addition make sure that you book an appointment, so as to discuss your salary issues rather than bumping onto your boss and there and then starting the conversation without even warning (Brodow (n.p.)).

The salary increment issue I raised with my employer was all about the money; I only focused on the monetary part forgetting that there were also other aspects, which could be put in the bargain and make it better. Thus, one has to put into considerations all the possible parts of his/her compensation package and table them before negotiators. Some of these important packages include bonuses, telecommuting opportunities, and also time off, which in some instances is even more valuable to a person than just money.

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In the case presented above, I wasn’t ready or rather prepared for a “NO” answer to my demands. Therefore, one has to be prepared for any response from the employer or the negotiators involved, but a denied raise doesn’t imply that one has to drop pursuing the issue. One should ask for a pay reassessment, get together with the employer or even supervisor, and ask them to assist you in creating a written collection of steps and goals one has to follow for at least the subsequent 6 months, so as to earn a raise (Gunelius (n.p.)).

Salary negotiations ought to be carried out face to face, since there is no alternative for face to face discussions, which areas effective as face to face dialogues. Even though this form of communication is the best, there are some scenarios when other forms of negotiation can be used. For instance, assume the employer is 2500 miles away; the only best option left would be to use emails and make phone calls. For this method to be effective one has to inquire when the employer will be available and also before dropping the bomb just make sure you gauge the mood of the day. Also one can apply online conferencing or rather video conferencing which is much better that emailing since you are able to see each other though through video (Kahai (n.p.)).  

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In the negotiation process I was involved in, there was an employee, who went to the extent of exchanging harsh words with the employer. One should always bear in mind that burning bridges is a bad move, since after all you will have to work for your boss, or even if you quit the job you still need the employer to hand you reference or recommendation letter (Trikha,n.p.).

In the course of a salary negotiations never threaten the negotiators or the employer with a fact that you will depart the company or even take them to court if they fail to accept your request. The threats most of the time backfire, and the employee is always the one left at the receiving end. Intimidating the employer or the negotiators makes them defensive, and since many people, especially the seniors don’t like being undermined, this could in fact haste up the obliteration of your wages negotiations (Brodow (n.p.)).

Emotions send the wrong signals, especially to your employer, and this might even cost you the job. Therefore, sentiments have completely no place during the negotiation process, and since the environment is professional, one has to put the ending goal plainly in sight, keep the arguments objective and maintain a professional tone at all times. Moreover, one has not to take contradictory goals, strong refutations or disagreements personally. Thus, he/she has to be equipped with reasonably logical arguments and should avoid thoughtless tirades, tantrums and tears, as they basically work against the individual. 

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In each and every negotiation, be it in an organization/company or between individuals, the key result is that both parties involved reach an agreeable solution through the dialogue. Positions and demands need to be flexible in that both parties can engage in a give and take or a win-win solution. Nonetheless, in all negotiation processes, the principles of equality, in quest of mutual advantage, as well as maintaining a cordial relationship, are the vital aspects to a triumphant outcome.


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