Free «Year 2012 Presidential Elections» Essay Sample

Year 2012 in the United States of America (USA) has seen the two major political parties, Democrats and Republicans present to the electorate different manifestos in the name of wooing voters in the ongoing general election. Though they have different agendas for the nation, the two parties have been working together in the senate and house of representative to represent the needs of the people. According to National Polls, there is almost a balance between Democrat followers and Republican followers. The problems the people of USA were facing in 2002 are still pending according to Larry Quick, a democrat congress candidate during the time. These includes rebuilding the economy, providing quality and affordable health care, protecting the environment, education, defense, income security and protection of human rights at home and abroad. The eight years regime of George W. Bush had wars, economic downfall, and increase in debts level by the American government. These persisted during the first term of Obama’s government and still challenge the current administration. Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney have given the issues a priority once elected as president.



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USA Economic Issues

The two presidential candidates give a high priority on the economy issue in the 2012 elections. According to The Econ Post, the level of economic growth is disappointing though positive. This shows that there is no momentum in growth and the prospect of reducing unemployment in the near future will be minimal. Despite being the world largest economy in the world during the last century, USA faces the greatest economic challenge since the end of Second World War. This has resulted from both domestic and international factors (Economy Watch). The level of unemployment as at September 2012 was 7.8% that relates to about Twenty-Four million citizens (U.S. Bureau of Statistics). Unemployment is the highest priority for the two candidates. According to Mitt Romney, the ‘trickle down approach’ will revive the economy. Those individuals earning high income will be taxed heavily and the funds generated channeled to improving the lives of the majority middle class. Obama, on the other hand is determined to provide good terms to companies investing in the country as compared to offshore investing companies. He also promises to continue exploiting environmentally friendly sources of energy such as coal, wind, and solar power.

Security Issues

Security is also a major issue in the 2012 elections. The terrorist attack on American soil on 11 November to the 2001 changed the American foreign policy on security. This saw the movement of American military to the Middle East to counter terrorism attacks and destroy weapons of mass destruction. According to Brown, Obama and Romney do not seem to have a different foreign policy on security. They agree that the government has handled the terrorism security in Afghanistan amicably. Both parties believe that the military should be planning to leave Iraq and Afghanistan by next year so that the country can concentrate on building the economy. They have also decided to follow the same foreign policy on to check their dominance and reduce the dollar deficit. In addition, they have agreed on not supplying the rebels in Syria with heavy artillery in the course of overthrowing President Assad. However, the New York Times reports of a possible union between Iraq and Syrian government, both Romney and Obama believes that it will be safer to  in work with close allies in the region such as Turkey and Israel to bring the war to an end. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen Jr., the American commander in charge of Iraq has indicated categorically that USA is determined to provide aerial weapons to Iraq to fight Iranian government that uses their airspace to transport weapons to Syria (New York Times).

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Health Care Plan

Health care is the third most important issues facing the two presidential candidates in this election. Both candidates agree that a new health plan to cover all the Americans regardless of whether one is a poor, belongs to the middle class, or is rich is necessary. However, the two disagree on how to implement the health plan. President Obama through the Democrat party has advocated for the so-called ‘Obama Care’. This will see all American citizens irrespective of their states enjoy a unified health care program. Voice of America on June 28, 2012 reported that the U.S. Supreme court upheld the key parts of the health plan that require all American citizens to have health insurance or face penalties. In this ruling, Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor and Roberts voted unanimously to uphold the law. Steve Larsen, head of a section of Health and Human Services department report that political consideration was not a factor in overseeing the success of Obama care. He also announced an early end to the waiver program on September 22 (Alonso).

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Mitt Romney and the Republican have presented a different approach to handle the health issue. During his first health care speech in May, Romney pinpointed the conditions needed to ensure that the health care issue is sorted out. He has stated that once elected as president he will signal the dismantling of President Barrack Obama‘s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 as he believes that it is not practical (Los Angeles Times). 


There is a need to improve the level of education in the country to ensure that graduates are well equipped to work and create employment. The Obama administration has promised to grant waivers to states to ensure that all children go to school. Mitt Romney has spearheaded improvement of education sector in Massachusetts to become one of the leading states in the country. He is determined to replicate this to all states once elected president.

Environmental Protection

Destruction of the environment through pollution is an issue of major concern. President Obama has pressed the need to exploit safer sources of energy such as wind energy, solar energy, coal, and offshore oil mining. Governor Romney agrees that there is a need to enact legislation to protect the environment.

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Other issues are protection of human rights, repealing of immigration law and solving the problem of drug abuse and crimes. However, the economy, security, and health agenda respectively remains the top priority for the nation in order to reclaim the lost American dream. The Democrats and Republicans have also been working tirelessly to promote the social, economic, and political welfare of the American people. There is a bright future for The U.S.A regardless of the party that wins the ongoing elections. 


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