Free «Success from Culture Competence» Essay Sample

In the modern world, cultural diversity has become one of the forms of our society. Globalization and world migration has brought people from all over the world to our countries. Our communication and lifestyle is already largely determined by cultural diversity. Representatives from various cultures interact with us on a daily basis, and these interactions require cultural competency.

According to Moule (2012), culture competence entails ‘developing certain personal and interpersonal awarenesses and sensitivities, learning specific bodies of cultural language, and mastering a set of skills, that, taken together, underline effective cross-cultural teaching’ (p. 5). In other words, culture competence means understanding other cultures and applying this understanding as knowledge in culturally diverse environment. Culture competence helps individuals avoid stereotyping and misjudging other people around them. At the same time, culturally competent person always has the advantage of seeing the situation from all sides and getting the entire picture of each case or circumstance.



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Culture competence is widely applied in health care and education. Most curriculum programs at schools nowadays face the necessity of implementing culture competency as one of the primary skills which the students should obtain (Moule, 2012). In business practice, culture competency is also very important for company expansion and effective human resources management. For this reason, various games focus on culture competence as the key skill, which brings successful results. The classic example is Monopoly, where people are to negotiate on companies to sell and purchase. Culturally competent person knows the peculiarities of each culture and the mentality of various people. Therefore, he or she is more likely to succeed than others. Culture competence not only helps reduce the probability of errors in communication, but also increases self-confidence and broadens person’s mindset.


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