Free «Million Dollar Consulting Review» Essay Sample

Chapter Four

I work with Millennia Networking Consultants who offer consulting services ranging from security systems, on-site support services, systems engineering services and internet access. Weiss proposes two rules when that will be beneficial to my firm. These two rules are forming of ideal relationships and provision of essential phone numbers.

Formation of ideal relationships is essential because it makes a client have confidence with our consulting business. Thus, this eliminates doubts that might hinder work regarding the client requiring the firm to complete a certain task so that he or she can evaluate our work. In addition, it saves time. The second advice by Weiss (2009, 75) is provision of essential phone numbers. Vital phone numbers include those that a client can decide to contact you via, and they include regular office numbers, fax numbers, cell-phone number and toll-free numbers. This is useful to our firm because a client can decide to call in the evening when no one is in the office; thus, Weiss (2009, 75) indicates that it facilitates communication if the client has individuals’ cell-numbers.



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An item that I think might not be necessary for our firm is making a charitable contribution. This will not be relevant to our business because many institutions seek to become techno-savvy, and since our firm offers advice and services regarding technology that these institutions want proves the fact that institutions need our company more than we need them; thus, no need for making charitable contributions. In addition, making charitable contributions might be self-destructive as some of the institutions that we extend charities might end up teaming with other consulting firms.

Two questions from chapter four relevant for class discussion include:

What are the consequences when a consultant does not create exceptional relationships with clients?

What are other ways of establishing breakthrough relationships besides those outlined by Weiss?       

Chapter Five

Network consulting requires a person to work with excellent speed plus minimal errors in order to instill confidence to a client. Thus, Weiss proposes two rules that are relevant to our business and these are making no mistake and escaping the thinking that confines our business to small successes.

Making no mistake is an essential rule to our company because no business cherishes to fail because of an individual’s or collective mistake. Thus, Weiss (2009, 85) advances the law of entropy that urges people to work extra hard and not limit themselves. This rule is also vital for our company because it reminds us to handle our responsibilities well in order to avoid losing client confidence.

Escaping the thinking that confines our business to small successes is also a relevant rule for our firm. This ranks among the key rules of business and inspires our firm to go way beyond our capabilities to ensure client satisfaction; thus, maximum profits and more investment from capital returns.

An item I do not agree with from this chapter concerns Weiss’s refutation of making changes and raising fees simultaneously. I do not agree with this proposal because making changes requires some capital, which means that the cost has to be passed to the end-user if the business does not want to suffer losses. Arguably, Weiss should have advocated for a slight change in prices instead of advancing for total normalcy of the fees. Business acumen requires that the changes made should provide a reason for increasing of prices in order to earn profits to the consultant.

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Two questions for class discussion include:

What might occur if a consulting firm provides changes in terms of threats and not opportunities?

How does a consultant’s self-esteem dictate the success of the previous points?         

Chapter Six

For Millennia Network Consultants to grow there is a need for ensuring that we market our company, and there is no better way of doing that, but by employing members of the firm to spread the word concerning our firm. Thus, Weiss (2009, 107) outlines two rules that are vital for our firm and they include “blowing our own horn” and establishing of collaborations with other consultants, which is found on page 113.

“Blowing our own trumpet” is essential for the growth our business. Weiss (2009, 107) points out that it is essential for a business because as it facilitates the creation of networks, which should be done through any means necessary. This is vital for our business, as we will be expecting that any new contact we make with a new client will be instrumental in the formation of other networks that will provide business connections for our firms.

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Another essential point outlined by Weiss (2009, 112) concerns making of collaborations with other consultants. This is vital for our business because some transactions that our firm deals in require us to subcontract other consultants to ensure a smooth running of the business. Notably, other firms can subcontract our firm to complete the task on their behalf. Thus, this is a valid point outlined by Weiss about our business.

An item that I do not agree with Weiss (2009, 123) concerns “Lack of an objection that I have never heard”. Under this item, Weiss indicates that all objections are familiar and if a consultant feels he has encountered a new one, it is because he has not done research or “was not listening avidly in the past”. This is not true because some clients are outright predictable in terms of their responses. The way some clients respond to offers indicates their willingness or unwillingness to engage in business with a firm.

Two questions for class discussion include:

What other ways besides those outlined by Weiss do a product build brands?

How does a firm or individual cope with dilemmas that present in case one has never being in the consulting business before?


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