Free «Development of Modern Technology» Essay Sample

There is an upsurge in use and development of modern technology. The advancement in technology use has seen the rise on new ways of interaction and communication like the use of mobile phone for calling and texting messages. This therefore means one can be in a position to increase his circle of friends for you don’t necessarily have to meet physically but you can remain friends by embracing and making use of the new technology. Friends are very important to have as well as maintaining them. We can not survive on our own; we need others for social as well as general life.

As mentioned above, use of mobile phones have brought about efficient ways of communication. However, if not well used, it can cause detrimental effects to the society. The writing of text messages is common to most populace. Use of the same can have an effect to the society if no rules are adhered to more so with drivers. When driving, so many factors come into play, and it requires concentration otherwise, many negative things can happen. Studies have shown that texting while driving slows the reaction time, this suggest that the chances of causing accident will then be elevated. If all road users were to practice message writing while driving, so many accidents are bound to happen causing more conflicts to the society. When texting the messages, one has to write it. This affects the speed at which the driver moves at which might be affecting other drivers in a hurry. This will thus cause stress and anxieties to affected drivers. When such emotions are present, the probability of one quarreling with others has been shown to be high ( Kristie,2005).



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It will be paramount for all road users to understand the complications which can occur when they try to multi task when driving. The messages we receive via the phone might be good or bad. Bad news might affect drivers causing stress which might have a bearing in occurrence of accidents. It is there of great importance to avoid text messaging while driving.


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