Free «Communication Technology» Essay Sample

Question one

 How do you Assess whether a given website is good or bad? Analyze and Discuss with examples and at least 3 academic references drawn from your readings and using CMM16 Course site References and links?

According to a research conducted recently the internet has over six hundred million users who frequently use it for a wide variety of reason (NUA Internet survey 2002).   In the internet technology sphere, there are good and bad websites.   A good website is characterized by a wide variety of features which include; easy to read, easy to navigate, clear and to the point, quick to download and many other important features (Nygaard 2003).  Websites contain massive information that requires arrangement in an orderly manner to ease readability.   Furthermore, use of background colors influences whether a website is easy to read or not.  In a website that contains images or background color, the text placed on top of the image or background should be written in a color format that can be seen easily without straining.   A good website uses a color format that complements and is also pleasurable to the eye (Nygaard 2003).  



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In a website, the visitors need to find information needed without disappointment and hustling.  The navigation buttons of the site need to be grouped together to ensure ease of navigation.  In addition to that, if image links are utilized, text links need to be availed to users who have their image links turned off by their browser or are not supported by the browser.   Lack of text links would make it difficult for users to navigate the site and access the information required.  Furthermore, the information contained in the website should be clear and direct to the point  to ensure users are provided with a clear understanding.  The website should also be interesting to read and contain updated, well organized information without errors (Goessi 2009).

A good website provides ease and quick download to graphics and sound.  A website that takes much time to download an item from the internet would result in users clicking away and never returning.  A good website has short download times since users have no time to spare in downloading materials from the site or online.   As a result of these features, an excellent website attracts much traffic since it meets the needs of most users (Goessi 2009).

Question two

Most television is now delivered in a digital method, what are the implications of this for the present and the future? Provide academic References and/or a Bibliography.

Regarding interference, digital signals react differently relative to analog ones.  For instance, persistence issues experienced with using analog televisions such as noise and ghosting of images degrade the quality of sound and image but not in digital televisions.  Digital channels utilize less bandwidth and the requirements of bandwidth vary continuously with time corresponding to a reduction in image quality relative to the compression level and the resolution of the transmitted image (Poland n.d.).  Such properties enable digital broadcasters provide additional digital channels in the same location thus people or audience are provided with an opportunity to watch a large number of programs without having to add more equipment.  In addition that, the characteristics of digital signals enable broadcasters provide high definition television services and other services such as multimedia and interactivity (Poland n.d.). 

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Conversely, the switch to digital television from analog is rendering non-digital televisions outdated as restoration of compatibility requires use of an external digital tuner to convert the digital signal into analog signal.  Viewers who are not ready to purchase the highly priced digital television will be forced to buy an external converter in order to have access to their favorite television programs.  Otherwise, they will be required to dispose their analog televisions and buy the modern digital televisions. 

The adoption of broadcast standards which are incompatible with the current analog receivers will create a problem in their disposal mechanism.  Currently, in United States more than 99 million analog television receivers are in storage and an enormous number of them are dumped in land-fills (Bergquist 2009).   Their disposal in land poses a great environmental risk since they contain large amounts of toxic metals like lead and small amounts of chromium, barium and cadmium (Santaella 2009).  Such elements would cause long term effects on the environment if not properly disposed.   

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Question three

At the moment, many entrenched social conventions and norms tend to dominate the ways in which we use the Internet and virtual reality; but as time passes, both new legislation and the cry for more censorship is becoming more dominant. Discuss the implications of this.

In the recent years, more people are using the internet technology in comparison to about two decades ago.  One hypothesis is that most individuals spend most of their time alone with their terminals and little time in face to face interaction with their friends, family and other people.  Studies conducted on social aspects of technology portray it as an instrument thus providing an implication that use of technology is meant or aims at achieving specific goals (Odegard 1993).  People are using the internet technology to satisfy their own needs and this number is growing at a fast rate as more people acquire knowledge on how to use a computer and the importance of internet in their daily chores.

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The growth in internet users is resulting in more criminal activities associated with its use.  Cases of bullying and intrusion are becoming vast as a result of the advancement in technology (Quinn 2009).  In addition to that, hacking activities are increasing as more people understand the computer technology better and also with the advances in technology more tools are made available to hackers (Fildes 2009).  Technology is advancing at a fast pace and more people are acquiring vast experience and knowledge as a result of their perception of technology thus are investing more resources in order to acquire technological skills.

To address the issues associated with use of internet, the formation of new regulations is required to catch up with the fast advancements in technology.  As technology advances new legislations need to be developed in time to contain negative effects associated with technology or internet usage. Failure to develop new regulations and policies at the same pace with technology advancement will result in rise in criminal activities to a level that is difficult to reverse.          

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Question four

Examine and discuss the ramification of Digital Media in relation to one or more of the following; Advertising, shopping, banking, newspapers. Provide at least 3 References and a Bibliography.

For a business to expand and grow tremendously, advertisement is essential since it enables it to reach more customers and potential clients.  Most business have turned to digital media since it provides a wide coverage thus enhancing the scope or the number individuals reached by a particular information (WAN Press 2009).   Through digital media potential customers are reached twenty-four hours in a day via a wide range of different devices connected together and in addition to that existing customers can be provided with services through digital portfolio, podcast, among others (Shimonski 2008).  Beyond the internet, the advertisement can be conveyed through other mediums that support it.  This provides an implication that digital media advertising is not confined to the internet but is compatible with other mediums.

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Furthermore, digital media is easy to capture, modify and work with thus attracting large number of individuals and organizations.  The digital platform enables advertisers to target specific audiences using their profile.   Many organizations have deployed online commercials, video and even podcasts for You Tube and My Space to enhance their businesses (Shimonski 2008).  By embracing the digital media most organizations have shifted their focus and investments into the vast internet which is characterized by online collaboration and effective communication throughout.  

The amount of money spent on advertising using digital media channels constitutes about ten percent of the total advertising spending in the world (Budde 2009).  As economic downturn is influencing advertisement spending, different advertising channels are affected differently.  Advertisers, which entail organizations and individuals, are shifting to new media from traditional media as the growth of web audiences is increasing tremendously.  

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Despite the internet being the most prominent digital media platform for advertising, other advertising mediums such as mobile phones are also gaining traction.  This growth on mobile advertising can mainly be attributed to the advancement in technology on multimedia handsets as well as the increasing use of mobile data services coupled with its lower cost and convenience.  Digital media advertising tools are advancing at an enormous rate as their adoption rate by organizations and individual is increasing (Budde 2009).  


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