Free «Computing and HCI» Essay Sample

Question One: What is new and valuable in the HCI perspective (for games)?

Based on the HCI perspective, a lot of improvements have been realized in the gaming sector. The most importantly observed valuable in this context relates to the incorporation of social computing networks in the gaming industry. Social Computing supports the development of online leisure interactions by the use of software. Technologically developed social software includes; blogs, electronic mail, instantaneous messaging as well as wikis. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is related to social computing since it involves the study and development of the communication between users and computer. Social Computing supports the development of online leisure interactions by the use of software.

What is missing?

It is important to note that a mid all social computing technologies supported by the HCI, proper networking still faces vast number of challenges. In most cases, gaming techniques are just but limited to the computer user against installed computer programs. It would be quite proper if the technology could improve to a level of accommodating many uses on the same display platform. Additionally, inter machines configurations observed in the remotely located computers still face a lot of networking problems.



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 Question Two: How have these phenomena appeared and been approached in past game studies?

In the past game studies, networking problems were addressed by simpler LAN interfaces that could sufficiently support the timely technology. Based on the need and design, threading system was solely applied in the networking since gaming had not quite developed. Additionally, game users have in the past monitored their progress based on the scored points against the time taken in games.

Question Three: What do these phenomena hold for game studies? Why and how should we study them?

These phenomenon places the games at a very stationery state with very little progress. In order to address the problem, people from diverse backgrounds and disciplines should be brought together. Human-Computer relationship involves the study of graphics, operating systems, high level programming languages and linguistics. Examples of social computing include; shared filtering, online public sales, tagging, and gaming. Social computing has in-depth relationships with various modern trends such as shared software, ‘web 2.0’, social network psychoanalysis as well as ‘open source’ for production.


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