Free «Mobile IPv4 and IPv6» Essay Sample

Do You Think Mobile IPv4 Was Successful?

Mobile IPv4 was successful in performing the tasks that it was designated to. During its development in the 1980s, technology was still raw and had crude ways of relaying information (Hain, 2005). This version of information protocol (IP) was used in mobile phones; it was the beginning for the inclusion of internet in mobile phones. This IP always allowed for connections that were continuous and un-disconnected. It also invited people to increase internet connectivity of the larger parts of the word that had little knowledge and technology to support them. Further, IPv4 increased the number of connections that could be admitted at the same time, without affecting the other connections (Hain, 2005).

What Improvements Can You Think of?

However, there are several issues that needed to be improved for the system to be complete and become more successful (Huston, 2003). First, the space available was little, and this was seen when there was exhaustion in their space in 2011. This meant that there was inadequate space for more addresses for new users. With over 4 billion addresses already issued, the software should be developed to house over ten times this number due to the increasing number of devices that are used today (Huston, 2003). Further, the process to reclaim all the IPv4 addresses that were not in use in order to create space should be maintained.



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Do You Think Mobile IPv6 Will Succeed?

IPv6 was developed in the early 1990s and has been in use since then, as a result of the increasing danger of the exhaustion of IPv4. It was developed to use a 128 bit address that is much larger than that of its predecessor IPv4, which used 32 bits. It also increases the number of addresses it can accommodate: about 3.4×1038 addresses as compared to the 4 billion by its predecessor (Shankland, 2011). However, there is a problem of transition from IPv4 to IPv6, because they cannot operate together, and one has to leave IPv4 in order to start using IPv6. However, this problem will be solved through adoption of new machines, since new gadgets are getting into the market every day, and the older ones using IPv4 will soon become obsolete. 


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