Free «The Landscape of His Dreams» Essay Sample


The tale “The Landscape of His Dreams” talks about a painter who vividly remembers his childhood hometown. The artist is known as Franco Magnani and the accurate paintings of his hometown Pontito haunt him. He had initially been displaced from the hometown by the Nazi invasion that led to major damages and loss of lives. Franco Magnani was traumatized after the displacement and dreamt about his initial hometown. He did not believe that he could not stay in his childhood town and carry on with life as usual. He developed waking visions about the former town. He kept on reminding his mother that he would create a new Pontito. He had a dream to revamp the town and make it a better place in the future. At 31, Magnani went to America where he developed a mental and physical illness that made him be taken to the sanitarium. The disease made him remember his former town in terms of the streets, paintings and the masonry stones. He developed the urge to paint from his traumatic imaginations. He made attractive paintings that depicted his vivid and traumatic remembrance of his former town. He had been trained as a woodworker and had never done painting before. The displacement and havoc done in his hometown had disturbed him mentally making him ill and eventually learning the art of painting from the harsh memories.



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This paper explicates the neurological condition in the “Landscape of His Dreams”.

In the tale the painter is traumatized by the experiences. The Nazi invasion had ruined the normal existence of his town making his family and other individuals to be displaced. Magnani was suffering from concussion that is brought about by excess trauma. Hallucination is a neurological condition that makes the patient unable to forget the past that could have been worse. Association (2007) asserts that the worst experiences suffered are vividly stuck on the mind of the patient making it hard for him to think in another perspective. Clinically, the disease causes injury to the brain due to the high stress levels suffered by the patient. The patient is traumatized by the past bad happenings and is not able to contain himself according to the existing conditions. The patient is often faced with flashbacks relating to the past events. These are extremely hard to control because of the magnitude they carry in the mind of patients. According to Fish (2009), the clinical picture of this neurological condition is drawn from the fact that the patient would be subjected to stress and trauma in the course of his normal operations. Patients are not able to operate in the normal manner due to the stress factors that they are exposed to at some points of their lives.

The patient lacks sleep due to the visions that keep on lingering in his brain. For instance, the author asserts that Magnani is always exposed to the visions relating to the beauty of his childhood town, Bonito. He has waking visions of his town. Each time he goes to bed, he is not able to get enough sleep because of the visions and memories that could not leave his mind. The patient is also exposed to illusions that keep on reminding him of his experiences. He is not able to forget the worst experiences that could have exposed him to the current living conditions. Magnani keeps on telling his mother that he would built a newer town, these are illusionary thoughts that made him to develop the art of painting. He emerges as one of the best painters despite the fact that he had never been trained in the art. Clinically, the disease is portrayed as making the patient choose from risky courses of action. According to Maggard (2011), one is forced to take a course of action that could make him change his living and adaptability to other people. The arising adaptations could be beneficial to the society and the patient but could be disastrous in times where poor judgment is made. The neurological condition is perceived as dangerous especially in instances where it could get to the extreme. Patients are supposed to be monitored at all instances in order to ensure that they stick to the correct ways of doing things in the society.

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The condition has related to neuropsychological effects. It leads to mental instabilities, as the patient is not able to restrict the thinking according to the set environment. The brain is seen to wander from one point to another as the patient experiences visions relating to the past events. This means that the brain is unstable and could change from one thought to another in cases where the patient has many things to think about. An unstable mind brought about by the condition could help the patient to stick to the initial memory hence making it difficult for further mental development. The patient is not able to develop other ways of thinking because of the past he holds in his mind. For instance, Franco is not able to eliminate the ugly invasion by Nazis. The damage that was done is still fresh in his brains making it difficult for him to develop other ways of thinking. Thus, he goes on with the thinking until he acquires a new art that he had never been taught before. This is a positive step in the memories of the disease. Association (2007) asserts that this condition is related to the retarded thinking in neuropsychology. It means that one is always thinking about the past even in cases where the focus is on the present.

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There is a neuropsychological correlation of the disease in terms of the adopted behavior. The patient is likely to change the behavior and pick up other forms that could be perceived as crazy in the society. The most individuals would think that the patient is insane even when he is being controlled by the behavior changes brought about by the condition. The patient could likely take on different courses of action in order to determine the best course. The visions that are viewed by the patient would be stuck on his brain and would form the basis of his behavioral changes. He would act according to the new visions seen hence leading to the acquisition of new habits. Visions would be seen to change the manner in which the patient operates in the society. They would lead to the acquisition of high levels of confidence with the view to explore the finer details of the society. The individual suffering from hallucination and trauma would take daring courses of actions that would enable him to reconstruct his past in order to live in a desired environment.

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This condition could be assessed in terms of its causes and effects to the patient. Hallucinations and trauma could be caused by mental injuries resulting from a nasty experience. The individual could be exposed to an event that is likely to destroy his mental setting at the given time. These experiences would be mostly those that directly affect the patient hence making him unable to think of other things. Bell, Raballo & Larøi (2006) indicate that the patient is limited to think of the worse experience that happened in the past instead of building on newer ideas. The hard conditions that the individual is exposed to would cause the disease because of the mental picture that is permanently drawn in the minds of patients. The past pictures drawn in the mind would result to imaginary visions about the experience. The patient tries to remember the occurrence vividly with a view to bringing change.

Hallucination could also be caused by mental disturbances especially in cases of violence. The displacement of Franco from his hometown had terribly disturbed him mentally. Franco was exposed to other diseases that made him weaker. He suffered from both physical and mental illnesses that made him be admitted for a longer period. He kept on seeing the same visions that had disturbed him before. It was uncontrollable because he could not think in any other dimension. The memories relating to the childhood town depict the trauma that Franco had been exposed to. He had to move away from his normal residential town that he had gotten used. He was not able to start adjusting to a newer environment that could be hard to survive in. He wanted his rightful home in order to get about his normal operations as required.

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The patient suffers severely from the disease. For instance, one suffers from lack of adequate sleep. The patient is made to have visions that could keep on haunting him and hence unable to sleep well. The visions are always of a disturbing nature making the patient be awake most of the hours. He is always motivated to get into activities that could help to eliminate the condition in order to lead the normal life as before. Visions are always of a disturbing nature, and the patient is unable to control their occurrence. They would appear at any point of time making it hard for the patient to cope with the existing conditions. He will be even seen to be daydreaming while making assertions that could otherwise be unachievable. Patients are made to think of bigger things through the visions; this results from the visions brought about by the various perspectives in which patients think. The numerous visions experienced lead to newer ways of thinking among patients. Thus, new skills could be adopted due to the imaginations relating to the vision received. New talents could emerge from such visions hence benefitting the entire society and the patient. Despite the fact that the patient is denied maximum sleep, he could acquire new methods of doing things in the society.

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It leads to the development of numerous flashbacks in the brains of patients. Events that could have occurred in the entire life of the patient would eventually start appearing hence reminding the patient of the past conditions. Fuller (2011) points out that the patient would have flashbacks relating to the better or worse things that could have happened at one point of his life. These events could lead to stress or joy among patients. Those that are frequently exposed to ugly flashbacks would develop stresses. This would lead to isolation and the pursuit of the wrong courses of action. The patient would likely to take drugs in order to overcome the existing stress. This could lead to addiction and drug misuse among such patients. Patients could also resort to committing suicide in order to overcome the stresses brought about by the disease. Patients that are exposed to excitement would likely come up with newer ways of doing things. They would adopt better methods of approaching various situations in the society. This is driven by the urge to venture into newer ways of tackling the worse experiences that patients go through. The patient would be motivated to work towards better and admirable art that would help to revolutionize the entire society.

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The patient would be exposed to other diseases because of the condition. Hallucinations would make the patient easily exposed to other disease that would cause more havoc in the long run. He would suffer from other mentally related diseases due to the difficulty in answering questions relating to the visions seen. The confusion arising from the visions would cause the patient to be driven crazy. He would end up developing imaginations that would completely disfigure thinking and mental stability. The patient would gradually become insane because of the long-term diseases he is exposed to. The failure to undergo the earlier diagnosis would make the patient unable to think and act in a proper manner, as there would be no advice on the proper means of operating in the society. There would be the permanent brain damage and the patient would not be in a position to recover immediately. This would lead to other chronic diseases that would completely disfigure the patient and make the normal thinking harder. Thus, the patient would be insane and unable to rely on his normal brain conduct.

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The disease could be treated through effective guiding and counseling of the patient. The patient would be guided and made to forget the past events that could have traumatized him. He would be encouraged in the positive direction and given a hope regarding the future. Consistent guiding and counseling would help the patient to forget about the traumatizing experiences. He would be motivated to engage in the current operations rather than rely on the past. Counseling would help to eliminate the memories relating to the bad experiences undergone. Guiding and counseling would help to eliminate the bad memories relating to the lives of patients. This would help the patients to recover from the trauma they undergo during these worse conditions.

Patient would be treated through the administration of proper drugs. The continued consultations regarding the kind of medicine to use would help patients to recover from the condition. Administration of drugs that are known to alleviate stress and create a newer mind would treat the disease. Patients would be treated and would other medicines prescribed for continued intake. Injections that are known to alleviate stress would help in the elimination of current condition. Patients would gradually recover with efficient taking of the relevant drugs and administration of conditions.

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In conclusion, the tale talks about a painter who did not want to forget about his past town. The town had been attacked by the Nazis leaving Franco and his family displaced. The long memories relating to the town had made him ill leading to increased trauma. He dreamt of going back to his childhood town and developing it further. He kept on seeing unimaginable visions that ultimately turned his life around. He ventured into the art of painting and became an accomplished painter despite the fact that he had never been taught the art. The art of painting had been brought about by the initial traumatizing experience. The patient was exposed to stress factors that could lead to eventual brain damage. Hallucinations would likely lead to exposure to other diseases that could be permanently destructive in the lifetime of the patient. The condition is worse as it reminds the patient of the factors that could have been destructive at some point of his life.


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