Free «Ocean Dumping» Essay Sample

We live in the world where constant changes shake our lives. Unfortunately, most of those changes have a very negative influence on the surrounding us nature. People seem to forget that they are a constituent part of nature, and, without it, they would simply not exist, however, it does not stop us from ruining the beautiful green and blue world around us.

The case study “Inter-governmental Relations and Ocean Policy Change: 1971-85” represents a bright example of the careless attitude of the leading top of the nation towards the natural resources of our planet. It outlines how political interests can overcome the common sense, and greediness is considered to be the highest priority in decision-making process, even when the effects can change the life of the whole Earth.

Ocean dumping has its negative effects on all people but, at those times as well as in our days, it is quite easy to make a lot of profits out of this problem when one has proper political power and useful contacts.



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The main purpose of this case study is to point out the problems of policy change of 1970s up to the middle of the 1980s and its almost fatal impact on the oceanic waters and atmosphere in general.

In the beginning of the 1970s, President Nixon promoted his point of view on discouragement of the United States’ unregulated dumping into the ocean. This notion was fully supported by the Administration and, in 1972, the appropriate Act was passed (Bearden, 2010). This new Act had the strictest guidelines in the whole history tackling this problem and was supposed to lead to the ocean dumping termination. By the end of October 1973, the final recommendations for ending all dumping despite the proof from the side of organizations that it would not harm the marine life were established.

In 1980, the New York City asked for the permission to dump the sewage sludge, however, the appeal was rejected. The City filed to the Federal Court of the area, and it approved the dumping. Till the middle of the 1980s and up to our days, the situation only worsened dramatically.

In 2010, President Obama announced creation of the National Ocean Council which has to facilitate the further cleaning of the oceanic waters. The main principal of the work of the Council is implementation of the marine and coastal spatial planning which allows organizations to use the oceanic waters effectively and economically recognizing the economic potential of the ocean (Conathan, 2011).

Several U. S. states (Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Oregon) have already established this program and taken active steps to mark those areas which are the most suitable, in their opinions, for recreational and commercial uses of oceanic space: energy development, fishing, shipping traffic, gravel and sand mining, and a lot of other activities are included. These activities are supposed to be both environmentally friendly and economically beneficial (Conathan, 2011).

In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, this program has a great opportunity both to keep up the oceans healthy and facilitate the growth of local economies if National Ocean Policy is dutifully performed and improved. Thoughtful investment into the future of our precious natural resources can provide us with a continuous income still preserving beauties and healthiness of the waters, coasts, and marine inhabitants for our enjoyment.

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Unfortunately, wise investment is not very active nowadays. That is why, the nest step of the President’s Administration has to be the invitation of environmentally friendly investors to our oceans helping our economy to regain its power and our nature to stay healthy.


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