Free «What is the relationship between different media formats, disaster myths and public responses to crises?» Essay Sample


The changes in the world have led to many crises ranging from house to national crises. Home or house crises are expected to be resolved at home, but mostly, if unresolved, they are taken to an external person or courts. The national crises affect the country and, largely, require the public opinion. Identifying the major stimulators that slow down the solution process to a given crises is the first step towards ensuring the resolutions of crises. It is argued that media is the main stimulator towards most of these crises. The media, on the other hand, argues that they display occurrences as they hapenn, but leave decision making to the public.

Media Formats

Media formats represent various ways through which information is delivered to the public. The different media formats include advertising media, Broadcast media, Digital media, Electronic media, Hypermedia, Mass media, Multimedia, New media, News media, Print media, published media, recording media and social media. The different media formats are used to reach different types of people on a given situation.



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Disaster Myths

People create their own myths in regard to a particular disaster. Most of the myths are created according to the attitude to the given phenomena in different cultures. The disaster myths in most of the believing communities would be interpreted as a punishment from their gods, while the scientific and non-believing would have different myth on the same disaster. The myths would also be instilled to people through the media, government leaders or leaders of thoughts of general public.

Public response to crises

The public entails people with different perspectives on a given disaster. The public would, therefore, react in different ways to a given situation; some would consider talks as resolution, some activists to be heard, some would boycott a public issue et cetera. Types of crises, on the other hand, also affect widely the types of responses to be expressed by the public. An issue involving human life may face a harsh response for quick action to be taken, while others would take ages to be heard and be responded to.


The media would bring their own perspective on a given disaster, which may stimulate the public to be more active to the disaster. The generated by the myths fear trumps the potential disaster realities such as storm surge, flooding, chemical spills, and lack of electricity, food or water. The insight would lead to different public responses to the problem. 


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