Free «Gone Baby Gone» Essay Sample

Movie Gone Baby Gone involves a private investigator, Patrick Kenzie and his girlfriend Angie who witness a televised appeal by a woman called Helene for the return of her missing daughter Amanda. The daughter was kidnapped with her pet doll "Mirabelle". Amanda's aunt hires Patrick and Angie to look for her and it dawns on them that Helene and her partner Ray have stolen money from Cheese who is a local drug dealer. Her disappearance is botched and the girl is believed to have drowned. Doyle, whose daughter was killed some years back take the responsibility for the death and as a result seeks for an early retirement. In a nutshell, this movie involves such scenes which has traumatic race against the clock through drug deals, misery as well as corruption for the sake of a blameless child (Dennis 12-15).

This movie involves immoral acts since immorality thus involves an infringement of the Categorical Imperative and is thus irrational. Patrick faces two immoral incidences within the film. The first immoral act is when Patrick face a seemingly child molester who molested a child and then murdered that child. Patrick is very angry that he shoots the suspect at the head, whereas the suspect pleads to be spared. This act is moral but at the same time immoral. This is because even if Patrick believes that killing the suspect is moral, on the other hand it is immoral to kill a person who is not armed and poses no thereat to any life. Patrick kills the suspect in cold blood to satisfy his own fury. Morally, Patrick lacks compassion and he goes ahead and kills the man. However, the suspect's act was immoral since he was a child molester and hence sympathy and compassion for a child molester is uncalled for (Viggo 25-26).



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Another moral act comes when another child is abducted where Patrick is bound and has the determination to look for the child and return the child to the mother. The mother nevertheless is ill and not prepared to take care of the child. When Patrick eventually gets the child, the child is happy and contented in the arms of the abductor who had abducted her to save her from her own mother. The moral act lies in Patrick's decision to leave the child with the kidnappers and not return the child to her mother. Patrick's job was to find the kidnapped child and return the child to her mother. Who is much better in bringing up the child is not his decision. He was not employed to establish if the girl was okay, he was employed to find the child. It is immoral for Patrick to decide that the child is better off with the abductors and to establish what is best for the girl (Dennis 15-18).

According to Kant, if moral philosophy is to guard against undermining the absolute necessity of obligation in its analysis and defense of moral thought, it must be carried out entirely a priori. Therefore, Patrick acted morally in looking the best interests of the child. He did what he deemed right for the girl, even though this is not what he had been hired to do. Nevertheless, Patrick is not sure is the girl will be okay for the rest of her life. He will not spend his life assessing both parties to ensure that the girl was being raised appropriately. But still, Patrick chose to do what was appropriate at that time. He gave priority to the child's welfare, which was a moral act, according to Kant's Moral Philosophy. "Once we seek out and establish" the fundamental principle of morality a priori, then we may consult facts drawn from experience in order to determine how best to apply this principle to human beings and generate particular conclusions about how we ought to act." Patrick established that the child was better off with her abductors and hence made his decision and hence his act was moral.


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