Free «Beirut Exhibition Center» Essay Sample

Beirut Exhibition Center holds artwork from artists from 1880 to 1975 with the artistic components being Lebanese. The different art exhibitions demonstrate societal, political and literary vicissitudes including the constructive transformations that fashioned the current Lebanon. The pictures presented throughout the museum demonstrate different themes and artistic styles. The commonest themes comprise of the emancipation of the female gender, man’s fate during the various wars, individual expressions and religious art. Several paintings are eye-catching due to their uniqueness relative to other paintings with vivid overlapping themes.

Mohammed El Rawas is a Lebanese artist who provided several exhibitions in Beirut Exhibition Center. The artist is categorized as a creative deconstructionist, owing to the style of his works. Most of the El Rawas paintings are mixed media that have been assembled on plywood panels of varying sizes. Oil and acrylics have also been exploited in various paintings throughout El Rawas works.



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The presented picture demonstrated overlapping themes with clear depiction of various artistic components. The picture has a shipping vessel at the bottom, an ocean with outraging waters above the shipping vessel, a portrait of person and an eagle above his head. The different depictions appear to overlap each another with the shipping vessel being the bottommost, followed by the outraging waters then the portrait of the person and finally the eagle. However, the presented items are well-organized to create a unique artistic style since the demarcations between the different pieces intermarry.

Additionally, the piece’s colors are well balanced to create an outstanding outlook. The piece has a labyrinth representation that implies that the piece has different and overlapping themes mainly related to the sea. The outline of the piece is well presented as mixed media placed on the plywood panel. The texture of the piece is also well refined to offer good visual to the viewers. The piece generates an emotional glint, considering its outstanding features and representation. The piece outdoes reality since the shipping vessel is supposed to be above the sea and not below the sea, which implies that the piece is symbolic in nature.

Khalil Zgaib presented several pieces to different Lebanese galleries for exhibitions. He dealt with the multiples modernity category of artwork and demonstrated adequate skills throughout his existence. He was considered a primitive and self-styled painter, owing to the presentation of different country scenes that portrayed colorful designs. The artist represented life in Lebanon using child-like designs, unlike the original primitive style.

The picture presents various scenes with children playing on the normal swings tied on a series of trees while other swings are placed on manmade supports. The piece demonstrates irony in the fact that the manmade swings, which are weaker relative to the natural or tree-supported swings, carry more people. The tree-supported swings, which are stronger, are used by only a single individual. The trees are arranged in an attractive artistic manner with the leaves and twigs making unique artistic patterns. The coloring of the piece is well balanced to offer outstanding visual appeals. The outline of this piece is outstanding in relation to the arrangement of various artistic components.

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Under the trees, other artistic expressions are evident, which give the painting an overlapping thematic outlook. One of the swings carries individuals with similar attires while the other swing carries individuals with different attires with the one group being the majority. A woman and a male counterpart are under the trees although they seem to be engaged in different activities at different locations. The piece also presents an animal carrying a cart with people on the cart. The piece is a symbolic representation of the social life within the Lebanese context. The colorful designs have an artistic meaning with regard to the painter’s main themes.


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