Free «Press Release» Essay Sample

 “My life has been a blessed one, and now we can honor those who never had the chance to enjoy this great world of ours.” Actor Kirk Cameron

New monument was dedicated November 1 in Washington, D.C

In memory of children killed in the womb in the name of Roe v. Wade

Rep. Nancy Dorrigan (D-Conn.) organized the outstanding ceremony for new National Memorial of Life to honor the memories of children killed in the womb in the name of Roe v. Wade. The ceremony occurred on November 1, 2011 in Washington D.C. The site for the ceremony was just west of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., in a vacant lot.

Rep. Nancy Dorrigan (D-Conn.) became a sponsor of the bill that led to the memorial because nobody else made attempts to honor the memories of those children. Financial backers for the project consisted of U.S. Veterans for Life, actor Kirk Cameron and Procter and Gamble Company. Financing for the monument began in 1980, and the sponsors gifted more than $110 millions necessary for the land, monument, landscaping and maintenance. The founders reached the required amount of money only on December 29, 2005. 



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The globally known architect Michael Van Valkenburg had agreed to design the monument as well as the memorial landscaping. The founders presented the proposal and design concepts to the National Capital Planning Commission. The Commission approved them on September 17, 2011 beyond controversy. Parking facilities were a provision of the design, to eliminate traffic bottlenecking on area streets. Also, the authorities promised to provide new space to expand the nearby National Annual Library, located across the street along the Tidal Basin.

Please contact: Rep. Nancy Dorrigan (D-Conn.), a sponsor of the bill that led to the memorial; Actor Kirk Cameron, a financial sponsor

Press Release: November 2, 2011

“This is a monument to death, pure and simple. it has no place on a Mall devoted to the celebration of life.” Carol Smithson, president, National Organization of Women

New horrible monument dedicated November 1 in Washington, D.C

In memory of unborn children and contrary to the women’s right to choose

Rep. Nancy Dorrigan (D-Conn.) organized the strange ceremony for new National Memorial of Life to honor the memories of children killed in the womb rightfully. The ceremony took place on November 1, 2011 in Washington D.C. The site for the ceremony was deliberately near the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C..

Rep. Nancy Dorrigan (D-Conn.) had managed to become a sponsor of the bill that led to the memorial. Financial supporters for the project were U.S. Veterans for Life, actor Kirk Cameron and Procter and Gamble. The last one specialized in Pampers and other baby products. Fundraising for the monument began in 1980, and the sponsors granted $110 millions necessary for the land, monument, landscaping and maintenance. The founders managed to acquire the necessary amount of funds only on December 29, 2005. The funds were enormously high. They could suit other urgent purposes well.   

An architect, Michael Van Valkenburg and a wide range of associates designed both the monument and the memorial landscaping without noticing that the project was inconsistent with the adjacent buildings. The sponsors presented the proposal and design concepts to the National Capital Planning Commission on April 2, 2010. The Commission barely approved them on September 17, 2011 after careful and long-standing examinations. The authorities also promised to provide new space to expand the nearby territory.

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Please contact: Carol Smithson, president, National Organization of Women.


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