Free «The Optimal Living Standard and Style» Essay Sample

Living is a complex process and has no absolute solutions to problems that arise along the way. The difficulty in execution of tasks the tedious nature of processes and unpredictable outcomes of events. Man constantly strives to a better life and living conditions. Expecting the unexpected are what makes living what it is, practicing complexity. The omnivorous dilemma is a continuous process of attempts at finding the optimal living standard and style. Practicing complexity being a daily process has no single action that is aimless. Each action is significant to web of activities all aimed at achieving a unified goal.

The waking time at the Polyface farm signifies the beginning of a complex day. The challenge begins with waking time, which is stipulated, as ordinarily five o’clock in the morning (Pollan 2006). The nature of the day’s activities requires adequate planning and adhering to schedules. The waking hour, though before anyone has had any breakfast, is significant. The complexity of the day’s chores requires time management. Therefore, failure to adhere to the strictly given timelines for each activity will lead to chaos in the natural order of the farm.



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The observation of the scenery’s beauty and magnificence are attributed to the activities of the farmer. The complexity of events that culminate to that observation is in evidence. The movement of the chicken pens from one point to the other. The feeding and watering them as required and the eventual appearances of the landscape are all related to one another. The thick grass and the bird song are all factors in practicing complexity. These events and outcomes are not straight forward but rather involve several processes to generate the desired outcome. Despite, standing to observe the marvels of natural processes, the reality remains that the view being observed and the feeling of wonder expressed are the results of a complex practices resulting to a desired outcome.

The realization that the spectacle being observed is a result of observing the environmentalists standard procedures and recommendations is astounding. Polyface symbolizes a complex reaction against the standard operating procedures and norms. The achievement of the desired results does not necessarily require adhering to standards, but innovations are essential in a society practicing complexity. Industry is welcome to explore new methods and develop new techniques to better products and services. The complexity of daily activities makes the end product to be desirable and appreciated. Simple things are usually dismissed and ignored. Simplicity brings stagnation and underdevelopment. Therefore, practicing complexity is rewarding and motivating.

The systematic approach to chicken rearing at Polyface farm inspires innovation and industrialization. The system of moving chicken pens on a systematic routine calculating the desired distance and the period to keep them is a complex process. Care is taken in measuring the right size of the pens to accommodate a given number of Chicken (Pollan 2006). The mathematics involved in making these calculations describes the complex nature of the processes. Polyface farm’s method of fertilizing the soil is unique and innovative. The farmers have observed the benefits of the natural cycle and chosen to implement it. A straightforward option would have been to ignore the movement of the chicken pens.

The practice of moving chicken pens creates a synergetic relationship between the chicken, the land and the farmer. The chicken benefits from the process by being provided with fresh grass every day (Pollan 2006). The land reaps from the chicken’s manure, which fertilizes it, making it more arable and productive. The farmer benefits by rearing healthy chicken and fertilizing his land at a lower cost than if he opted for industrial fertilizers. The practice of complexity is evident in all these process. It would be unproductive and inconsequential if complicated process were not involved.

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Practicing complexity is being a daily activity cannot be ignored. Life without complexity is aimless and worthless. Complexity defines actions and results subsequently defining people by the level and nature of complexity of their lives. There is no single action that is independent on its own, in one point or another it will require the input of another. Therefore, practicing complexity is an indefinite perpetual process that defines everyone and everything.


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