Free «The Disabled and Law Enforcement» Essay Sample

Alcoholism is elemental a behavioral disability in which the affected individual consumes alcohol in alarmingly high amounts. In terms of gender perspectives alcoholism is a problem that mostly associated with males than females in the population. In addition, alcoholism is a condition which usually arises as a result of environmental conditions, and social function problems, which prompt the individual to become an addict. Hence, it is important to recognize the multiple factors associated with alcoholism in order to tackle the emerging problems associated with it.


Alcoholism signs and symptoms may at times be easily confused from other disabilities like substance abuse. This is primarily because alcoholism is normally a precursor to some of these conditions. Majority of victims of alcohol dependence are middle class men or women who mostly exhibit sleep disturbances, nervousness, sadness, and interpersonal problems (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2007). Moreover, since alcoholism victims are usually dehydrated they tend to consume a lot of water and other fluids. People suffering from alcohol related disorders also exhibit mental problems like anxiety disorders, antisocial personality disorder, mood disorder, and substance abuse (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2007). In addition, alcoholism victims mostly exhibit signs of depression and withdrawal from the rest of the people.



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Typical Treatments

There various available options of treatment for alcoholism most of based on medically approved options and other natural ways. “Like any other chronic illness, alcoholism should be thought of as a treatable condition” (Gifford, 2009). Some of the most common include peer support groups and formal treatment. However, the most successful programs are multi-faceted. This is because the participation in an identified twelve-step program involving peer support and formal treatment has been found to be fundamentally effective (Seligman & Reichenberg, 2007). However, before treatment adequate diagnosis should be done through proper choice of screening tools in order to ascertain signs and symptoms, probability for withdrawal symptoms, health repercussions, and personal problems (Gifford, 2009). Moreover, medical treatment usually involves subjecting the victims to therapeutic drugs, which are mostly sedatives aimed at reducing depression symptoms.

Response to a Crime Victim with Alcoholism

There are various feasible response mechanisms, which the law enforcement officers can employ in their bid to handle victims suffering from alcoholism inability. Ordinarily, crimes involved with inabilities are mostly associated with traffic issues. In the initial identification process an alcohol testing kit is usually used to ascertain abuse by the victim The law enforcement officials need to understand that alcoholism victims may also be substance abusers by virtue of the precursor nature of alcohol to these substances; hence, clear lines need to be drawn during classification of the victim’s disability. The aim of instituting special response mechanism usually aim at preventing conflict since the victims are potentially dangerous when provoked or may refuse to respond to orders. According to Prenzler (2009), “Police should also be continuously evaluating all areas where conflicts or injuries occur as a result of police operations, with a view to reducing adverse consequences” (p.72). Moreover, it is critical that when police officers come across alcoholism victims the first approach should be to disarm the victim if armed, find out if they are strongly under influence, and retain them for a significant while administering therapeutic measures (for instance, giving them plenty of fluids) before probing the suspect.


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